owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Reception conditions will constantly change be-Static and flutter: During signal interference fromSATELLITE RADIORECEPTION(ifso
cause of vehicle movement. Buildings, terrain,buildings, large hills or due to antenna positionequipped)
signal distance and interference from other ve-(usually in conjunction with increased distance
hicles can work against ideal reception. De-from the station transmitter), static or flutter canWhenthesatellite radio is used for the first time
scribed below are some of the factors that canbe heard. This can be reduced by adjusting theor the battery has been replaced, the satellite
affect your radio reception.treble control to reduce treble response.radio may not work properly. This is not a mal-
Some cellular phones or other devices mayMultipath reception: Because of the reflectivefunction.Waitmorethan10minuteswithsatellite
cause interference or a buzzing noise to comecharacteristicsofFMsignals,directandreflectedradio ON and the vehicle outside of any metal or
from the audio system speakers. Storing the de-signals reach the receiver at the same time. Thelarge building for satellite radio to receive all of
vice in a different location may reduce or elimi-signals may cancel each other, resulting in mo-the necessary data.
nate the noise. mentary flutter or loss of sound.Nosatellite radio reception is available and “NO
FMRADIORECEPTION AMRADIORECEPTION SAT” is displayed when the SAT band option is
selected unless optional satellite receiver and
Range:FMrangeisnormallylimitedto25–30miAMsignals, because of their low frequency, canantenna are installed and a SiriusXM® Satellite
(40–48km),withmonaural(singlechannel)FMbend around objects and skip along the ground.Radio service subscription is active. Satellite ra-
havingslightly more range than stereo FM. Exter-In addition, the signals can be bounced off thedio is not available in Alaska, Hawaii and Guam.
nal influences may sometimes interfere with FMionosphere and bent back to earth. Because ofSatellite radio performance may be affected if
station reception even if the FM station is withinthese characteristics, AM signals are also sub-cargocarriedontheroofblocksthesatelliteradio
25 mi (40 km). The strength of the FM signal isject to interference as they travel from transmittersignal.
directly related to the distance between theto receiver.If possible, do not put cargo over the satellite
transmitter and receiver. FM signals follow a line-Fading: Occurs while the vehicle is passingantenna.
of-sight path, exhibiting many of the same char-through freeway underpasses or in areas with
acteristics as light. For example, they will reflectmany tall buildings. It can also occur for severalAbuildupoficeonthesatelliteradioantennacan
off objects. seconds during ionospheric turbulence even inaffect satellite radio performance. Remove the
Fadeanddrift: As your vehicle moves away fromareas where no obstacles exist.ice to restore satellite radio reception.
a station transmitter, the signals will tend to fadeStatic: Caused by thunderstorms, electrical
and/or drift. powerlines, electric signs and even traffic lights.
4-38 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2013

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