owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
ADDITIVES Cleaner burning gasoline, including re-Some gasoline contain an octane en-
Toyota recommends the use of gasolineformulated gasoline that contains oxy- hancing additive called MMT (Methylcy-
that contains detergent additives to genates such as ethanol or MTBE is
clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl).
avoid build-up of engine deposits.available in many areas. Toyota does not recommend the use of
However, all gasoline sold in thToyoe taU.S r.ecommends the use of cleanergasoline that contains MMT. If fuel con-
contains detergent additives to keep clean burning gasoline and appropriately blendedtaining MMT is used, your emission con-
and/or clean intake systems. reformulated gasoline. These types of gas-trol system may be adversely affected.
QUALITY GASOLINE oline provide excellent vehicle perfor- The Malfunction Indicator Lamp on the in-
mance, reduce vehicle emissions, and im-strument cluster may come on. If this hap-
Automotive manufacturers in the U.S.,
prove air quality. pens, contact your Toyota dealer for ser-
Europe and Japan have developed a vice.
specification for quality fuel namedOXYGENATES IN GASOLINE
World-Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) that GASOLINE QUALITY
Toyota allows the use of oxygenate
is expected to be applied world wide. blended gasoline where the oxygenate In a very few cases, you may experience
The WWFC consists of four categories content is up to 10% ethanol or 15%driveability problems caused by the partic-
that depend on required emisvels. InMTBE. If you use gasohol in yourular gasoline that you are using. If you
the U.S., category 3 or 4 has beensionToyota, be sure that it has an octanecontinue to have unacceptable driveability,
le adopted. The WWFC improves air rating no lower than 87. try changing gasoline brands. If this does
quality by providing for better emis- not rectify your problem, then consult your
Toyota does not recommend the use of
sions in vehicle fleets, and customer gasoline containing methanol.Toyota dealer.
satisfaction through better vehicle per-
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual
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