owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
06 Maintenance and specifications
Maintaining your car
Owner maintenance As needed: They are specially reinforced to bear the weight
Periodic maintenance requirements and inter-Wash the car, including the undercarriage, toof the vehicle. A garage jack can also be placed
vals are described in your vehicle's Warrantyreduce wear that can be caused by a buildupunder the front of the engine support frame.
and Service Records Information booklet.of dirt, and corrosion that can be caused by saltTake care not to damage the splash guard
The following points can be carried outresidues. under the engine. Ensure that the jack is posi-
between the normally scheduled maintenanceClean leaves and twigs from air intake vents attioned so that the vehicle cannot slide off it.
services. the base of the windshield, and from other pla-Always use axle stands or similar structures.
ces where they may collect. If a two-post hoist is used to lift the vehicle, the
Each time the car is refueled: front and rear lift arm pads should be centered
• Check the engine oil level. NOTE under the reinforced lift plates on the inboard
• Clean the windshield, windshield wipers,Complete service information for qualifiededge of the sill rail (see illustration).
headlights, and tail lights.technicians is available online for purchase
Monthly: or subscription at www.volvotechinfo.com.Emission inspection readiness
• Check cold tire pressure in all tires. Inspect What is an Onboard Diagnostic System
the tires for wear. Hoisting the vehicle (OBD II)?
• Check that engine coolant and other fluid OBD II is part of your vehicle's computerized
levels are between the indicated "min" and engine management system. It stores diagnos-
"max" markings. tic information about your vehicle's emission
• Clean interior glass surfaces with a glass controls. It can light the Check Engine light06
cleaner and soft paper towels. (MIL) if it detects an emission control "fault." A
• Wipe driver information displays with a soft "fault" is a component or system that is not
cloth. performing within an expected range. A fault
• Visually inspect battery terminals for cor- may be permanent or temporary. OBD II will
rosion. Corrosion may indicate a loose ter- store a message about any fault.
minal connector, or a battery near the end How do states use OBD II for emission
of its useful service life. Consult your Volvo inspections?
retailer for additional information. Many states connect a computer directly to a
If a garage jack is used to lift the vehicle, thevehicle's OBD II system. The inspector can
two jack attachments points should be used.then read "faults." In some states, this type of

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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