owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
06 Maintenance and specifications
Volvo maintenance
Introduction recommended that receipts for vehicle emis-prehensive periodic maintenance schedule up
Volvo advises you to follow the maintenancesion maintenance be retained in case ques-to 150,000 miles (240,000 km) of vehicle main-
program outlined in the Warranty and Servicetions arise concerning maintenance. Inspec-tenance. The schedule includes components
Records Information booklet. This mainte-tion and maintenance should also be per-that affect vehicle emissions. This page
nance program contains inspections and serv-formed anytime a malfunction is observed ordescribes some of the emission-related com-
ices necessary for the proper function of yoursuspected.ponents.
vehicle. The maintenance services containApplicable warranties – U.S/CanadaVehicle Event Data (Black Box)
several checks that require special tools andIn accordance with applicable U.S. and Cana-Your vehicle's driving and safety systems
training, and therefore must be performed by adian regulations, the following list of warrantiesemploy computers that monitor, and share
qualified technician. To keep your Volvo in topis provided.with each other, information about your vehi-
condition, specify time-tested and proven cle's operation. One or more of these comput-
Genuine Volvo Parts and Accessories.• New Vehicle Limited Warrantyers may store what they monitor, either during
The Federal Clean Air Act – U.S• Parts and Accessories Limited Warrantynormal vehicle operation or in a crash or near-
The Federal Clean Air Act requires vehicle• Corrosion Protection Limited Warrantycrash event. Stored information may be read
manufacturers to furnish written instructions to• Seat Belt and Supplemental Restraint Sys-and used by:
the ultimate purchaser to assure the propertems Limited Warranty• Volvo Car Corporation
servicing and function of the components that• Emission Design and Defect Warranty• service and repair facilities
control emissions. These services, which are• Emission Performance Warranty• law enforcement or government agencies
06 listed in the "Warranty and Service Records
Information" booklet, are not covered by theThese are the federal warranties; other warran-• others who may assert a legal right to
warranty. You will be required to pay for laborties are provided as required by state/provin-know, or who obtain your consent to know
and material used. cial law. Refer to your separate Warranty andsuch information.
Service Records Information booklet for
Maintenance detailed information concerning each of the
Your Volvo passed several major inspectionswarranties.
before it was delivered to you, in accordancePeriodic maintenance helps minimize
with Volvo specifications. The maintenanceemissions
procedures outlined in the Warranty and Serv-
ice Records Information booklet, many ofPeriodic maintenance will help keep your vehi-
which will positively affect your vehicle's emis-cle running well. Your Warranty and Service
sions, should be performed as indicated. It isRecords Information booklet provides a com-

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year of production from: 2007

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