For pleasant driving
6. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “Plaвing
,” thО sвstОm crОatОs a plaвlist inНОб cООНs to stОp 6.
lThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО starts rОcogniz-
Пor thО artist. 5. IП thОrО arО tаo or morО matchОs, thО voicО
ing thО connОctОН НОvicО.
guiНО аill saв “MorО than onО match аas
IП thО connОctОН НОvicО cannot bО rОcognizОН
ПounН, аoulН вou likО to plaв ?” IП вou saв “YОs,” thО sвstОm procООНs
IП thО conПirmation Пunction is activО, thО 2.0 intОrПacО starts an appropriatО voicО
to stОp 6.
voicО guiНО conПirms iП thО artist namО is cor- guiНО. Folloа thО voicО guiНО.
IП вou saв “No,” thО nОбt matching album is
rОct. IП thО artist namО is corrОct, saв “YОs”.
uttОrОН bв thО sвstОm.
IП not, saв “No”. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs
2. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “WoulН вou likО
“Artist not ПounН, plОasО trв again,” thО sвs-
to plaв bв Artist, Album, Plaвlist or
tОm rОturns to stОp 2. NOTE
GОnrО?,” saв “Plaвlist”.
IП вou saв “No” to thrОО or all album titlОs ut-
tОrОН bв thО sвstОm, thО voicО guiНО аill saв
7. ThО sвstОm Обits thО voicО rОcognition moНО
“Album not ПounН, plОasО trв again” anН thО
anН starts plaвback.
IП вou saв “Plaвlist ,” вou can skip
sвstОm rОturns to stОp 2.
stОp 3.
To search by album title IП thО НОvicО has no plaвlist, thО voicО guiНО
E00757500010 6. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “Plaвing ,” thО sвstОm crОatОs a plaвlist inНОб Пor
vicО” anН thО sвstОm rОturns to stОp 2.
thО album titlО.
3. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “What Plaвlist
ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО starts rОcogniz-NOTE
l аoulН вou likО to plaв?,” saв thО plaвlist
ing thО connОctОН НОvicО. IП thО conПirmation Пunction is activО, thО
l namО.
IП thО connОctОН НОvicО cannot bО rОcognizОН voicО guiНО conПirms iП thО album titlО is cor- 5
4. IП thОrО is onlв onО match, thО sвstОm pro-
® rОct. IП thО album titlО is corrОct, saв “YОs”.
or a connОction Оrror occurs, thО BluОtooth cООНs to stОp 6.
IП not, saв “No”. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs
2.0 intОrПacО starts an appropriatО voicО 5. IП thОrО arО tаo or morО matchОs, thО voicО
“Album not ПounН, plОasО trв again,” thО sвs-
guiНО. Folloа thО voicО guiНО. guiНО аill saв “MorО than onО match аas
tОm rОturns to stОp 2.
ПounН, аoulН вou likО to plaв ?” IП
вou saв “YОs,” thО sвstОm procООНs to stОp 6.
2. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “WoulН вou likО
7. ThО sвstОm Обits thО voicО rОcognition moНО IП вou saв “No,” thО nОбt matching plaвlist
to plaв bв Artist, Album, Plaвlist or
anН starts plaвback. namО is uttОrОН bв thО sвstОm.
GОnrО?,” saв “Album”.
To search by playlist NOTE
IП вou saв “No” to thrОО or all plaвlist namОs
IП вou saв “Album,” вou can skip stОp l
1. Saв “Plaв” on thО main mОnu.
uttОrОН bв thО sвstОm, thО voicО guiНО аill
saв “Plaвlist not ПounН, plОasО trв again” anН
thО sвstОm rОturns to stОp 2.
3. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “What Album
аoulН вou likО to plaв?” saв thО album titlО.
OCRE12E1 5-31