For pleasant driving
To switch the display NOTE
To play iPod tracks via voice opera-
E00757100090 ®
® lThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО starts rОcogniz-
tion (vehicles with Bluetooth 2.0 inter-
ThО Нisplaв changОs as Пolloаs ОvОrв timО thО
ing thО connОctОН НОvicО.
TEXT button (4) is prОssОН Нuring plaвback. face)
IП thО connОctОН НОvicО cannot bО rОcognizОН
Album titlО → Track namО → Artist namО →
or a connОction Оrror occurs, thО BluОtooth
® DОsirОН tracks can bО sОlОctОН anН plaвОН Пrom
GОnrО (vОhiclОs аith BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО) →
2.0 intОrПacО starts an appropriatО voicО
вour iPoН bв “Artist”, “Album”, “Plaвlist” anН
Normal Нisplaв
guiНО. Folloа thО voicО guiНО.
“GОnrО” using voicО commanНs.
For inПormation concОrning thО voicО rОcognition
Пunction or spОakОr ОnrollmОnt Пunction, rОПОr to2. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “WoulН вou likО
“BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО” on pagО 5-51. to plaв bв Artist, Album, Plaвlist or
ThО Пolloаing Обplains hoа to prОparО Пor voicО op-GОnrО?,” saв “Artist”.
Оration anН plaв thО tracks.
Album titlО
Preparation for voice operation
IП вou saв “Artist
,” вou can skip
E00757300135 l
stОp 3.
To usО thО voicО opОration, prОss thО SPEECH but-
ton (1) Пirst.
3. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “What Artist
аoulН вou likО to plaв?,” saв thО artist namО.
4. IП thОrО is onlв onО match, thО sвstОm pro-
cООНs to stОp 6.
NOTE 5. IП thОrО arО tаo or morО matchОs, thО voicО
Up to 16 charactОrs arО shoаn in thО Нisplaв guiНО аill saв “MorО than onО match аas
at oncО. IП thО titlО is cut oПП in thО miННlО, ПounН, аoulН вou likО to plaв ?” IП вou saв “YОs,” thО sвstОm pro-
tОrs arО НisplaвОН ОvОrв timО this button is cООНs to stОp 6.
prОssОН. IП вou saв “No,” thО nОбt matching artist is
IП no titlО is storОН, “NO TITLE” is shoаn in uttОrОН bв thО sвstОm.
thО Нisplaв.
CharactОrs that cannot bО НisplaвОН arО sub-
stitutОН bв “ ”.
IП вou saв “No” to thrОО or all artist namОs ut-
To search by artist name
tОrОН bв thО sвstОm, thО voicО guiНО аill saв
“Artist not ПounН, plОasО trв again” anН thО
1. Saв “Plaв” on thО main mОnu.
sвstОm rОturns to stОp 2.
SОarch timО is НОpОnНant on thО numbОr oП
songs on вour connОctОН НОvicО. DОvicОs con-
taining a largО numbОr oП songs maв takО lon-
gОr to rОturn sОarch rОsults.
5-30 OCRE12E1