owners manual Mitsubishi Eclipse
owners manual Mitsubishi Eclipse - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 - Mitsubishi Eclipse II technical information manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Eclipse, year of production 1995 - 1999:
POWER TRAIN - Automatic Transaxle 2-95
Normal Shutdown Routine
ply. If the TCM is disconnected, the “Keep Alive
When the ignition switch is turned off (column lock,
Memory” will be lost. This memory is where d/agnos-
ikey out position), the TCM will go through a specific
shutdown routine. tic trouble codes and other learned values are
For the first twenty minutes after ignition off, thestored. These values may be clutch apply and re-
CPU remains in the “awake” mode. In tills off-timelease rates and clutch fill volumes. If the TCM is
disconnected from its direct battery voltage supply,
tracking mode, the TCM continues to perform certain
functions such as predicting fluid temperature cal-initial stored values are substituted for the erased
culations. learned values when the CPU is re-initialized. These
values will then be updated as new values are
Longer off-time tracking is currently prohibited due
learned when operating the transaxle.
to battery drain concerns since the CPU remains
powered up during this time. A code 12 will also be stored on any initialization
following a direct battery feed disconnection. Code
After 20 minutes have elapsed, the CPU will switch
12 lets you know that a direct battery disconnection
into a Sleep mode. In this mode the TCM does
has occurred.
not perform any functions and its Keep Alive Memory
uses only a very small amount of current.
The TCM uses a “Keep Alive Memory” that must
always remain connected to the battery voltage sup-
Fail-Safe Routine
result in changes in clutch pressures, pressure
The TCM is designed and programmed with what
is called a fail-safe routine. This routine constantlyswitch states and input speeds. These changes
become the new input. If they are not as desired,
monitors and checks all input and control features
then the solenoid output is adjusted accordingly.
for normal operation. The TCM uses inputs from
This feed-back control is referred to as a closed
the PCM, transmission range and park neutral
loop system and is an integral part of fail-safe.
switches, input and output speed signals, throttle
position, ignition and pressure switches to determine
the desired outputs. The primary outputs are to
ii The purpose of this section is to cover fail-safe
the four solenoid valves which control the transaxle
logic. Refer to the Fault Code Explanation section
clutches. Changes in these solenoid outputs can
for diagnostic information and probable causes.
The actual shutdown sequence to second Gear be-
When a failure has been identified which prevents
gins once the vehicle speed drops below 45 mph.
continued safe transaxle operation, the TCM eventu-
The exception to this rule is when the vehicle is
ally goes into limp-in by turning off all of the sole-
at high speed and develops a solenoid circuit error.
noids. This provides for shift lever controlled opera-
If this occurs, a temporary “neutral” state is gener-
and PARK. The TCM has logic to ensure the limp-in ated by venting all clutches to avoid incorrect clutch
combinations - see Codes 41 to 44.
results in an ORDERLY SHUTDOWN. Certain fail-
ures will prevent an orderly shutdown, and an IM-The shutdown sequence reduces the possibility of
MEDIATE SHUTDOWN will occur. having engine flare-up or clutch overlap (three
clutches applied) as the transaxle defaults to second
Orderly Shutdown -A Shutdown routine is activated
gear. This is accomplished by releasing the non
with certain failures prior to opening the transmission
control relay. The result of an orderly shutdown issecond gear clutches slightly before the transmis-
sion control relay is opened. This will occur when
dependent on the operating condition at the time
the throttle angle is less than approximately l/3
of the failure. If the transaxle is in Park, Reverse,
full open. At greater throttle angles, the transmission
Neutral, or Second Gear, there is no additional action
control relay is immediately opened. This is done
needed by the TCM. The transmission control relay
because second gear clutches typically apply faster
is opened immediately because the power off state
than the non second gear clutches. Again, the pur-
of the transaxle has already been achieved.
pose for this sequence of events is to prevent more
If the transaxle is in first gear, then the shutdown
than the correct number of clutches from being ap-
sequence (default to second gear) begins immedi-
ately. plied at the same time during moderate throttle
If the transaxle is in third or fourth Gear above 45angles and to prevent engine flare at higher throttle
b mph, then the current gear range is maintained
to prevent the possibility of causing high engine
rpm and/or engine braking.
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year of production from: 1995
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Mitsubishi Eclipse II technical information manual
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