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owners manual Mitsubishi Eclipse

owners manual Mitsubishi Eclipse - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 - Mitsubishi Eclipse II technical information manual EN

Document: pdf (13.48 MB) 381 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Eclipse, year of production 1995 - 1999:
7-40 EQUIPMENT - Heater and Air Conditioning CONDENSER FAN AND RADIATOR FAN CON- TROL For information on condenser fan and radiator fan control, a refer to Group 1 Control System of Engine. Section A-A’ RECEIVER l The new refrigerant(R134a) is highly hygroscopic and would require much more amount of conventional desiccant it (silica gel) to be kept dry. Meltable iccan The new desiccant (molecular sieve) used for drying the bolt / refrigerant has enough capacity to absorb moisture without (Abolished) need for change to the receiver capacity. l In the conventional design, the meltable bolt on the receiver w fuses to let out the refrigerant gas in its entirety into open air when the high-pressure side pressure becomes too 20x0197 high. The new system has a relief valve in the compressor which plays the same role as the meltable bolt but closes after release of only necessary quantity of refrigerant, so that the amount of released refrigerant is limited to the minimum. NOTE ‘2 For details about the relief valve, see COMPRESSOR, P.7-37. New refrigerant Conventional SERVICE VALVE system refrigerant system A quick-disconnect type joint, instead of conventional screw-in Charging hose type joint, is used for the service valve to prevent incorrect charging and enhance serviceability.
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year of production from: 1995

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Mitsubishi Eclipse II technical information manual
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