owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Distance warning Automatic braking
● The Front Assist alone cannot avoid acci-
dents and serious injuries.
the sy tem detects that safety is endan-If the driver also fails to react to the advance
If s
gered by the proximity of the vehicle in front,warning, the system may brake the vehicle● In complex driving situations, the Front As-
it may warn the driver by means of a messageautomatically, by progressively increasingsist may issue unnecessary warnings and in-
on the instrument panel when driving at abraking effect driving at a speed of betweentervene unnecessarily in braking, such as in
traffic islands.
speed of between approximately 60 km/happroximately 4 km/h (2.5 mph) and
(37 mph) and 250 km/h (156 mph)250 km/h (156 mph). By reducing speed in● If the operation of the Front Assist is im-
››› Fig. 187. case of a possible collision, the system maypaired, for example, by dirt or because the ra-
contribute to reducing the consequences ofdar sensor has lost its settings, the system
The warning moment varies depending on
may issue unnecessary warnings and inter-
an accident.
the traffic situation and driver behaviour.
vene inopportunely in the braking.
Front assist ● During driving, the Front Assist does not re-
Advance warning
act to people or animals or vehicles crossing
If the Front Assist notices that the driver is
If the system detects a possible collision with your path or which approach you head-on in
not braking sufficiently in case of a collision
the vehicle in front, it may warn the driver by the same lane.
hazard, the system can increase braking ef-
means of an audible warning and an indica- ●
The driver must always be ready to take
fect and thus avert the collision when driving
tion on the instrument panel when driving at over the control of the vehicle.
at a speed of between approximately 4 km/h
a speed of between approximately 30 km/h
(2.5 mph) and 250 km/h (156 mph). Front
(18 mph) and 250 km/h (156 mph)
assist only acts while the brake pedal is
››› Fig. 187.
pressed down hard.
● When the Front Assist causes a braking,
The warning moment varies depending on
the brake pedal is “harder”.
the traffic situation and driver behaviour. AtWARNING
● Automatic interventions by the Front Assist
the same time, the vehicle will prepare for a
The intelligent technology in the Front Assiston the brakes may be interrupted by pressing
possible emergency braking ››› .
cannot c the clutch, accelerator or moving the wheel.
hange the laws of physics. The driver
is always responsible for braking in time. If
● If the Front Assist does not work as descri-
Critical warning
the Front Assist issues a warning, then, de-
bed in this chapter (e.g. in intervenes several
pending on the traffic circumstances, you
If the driver fails to react to the advance times unnecessarily), switch it off. Have the
must brake immediately or dodge the obsta-
warning, the system may actively intervene in system checked by a specialised workshop.
SEAT recommends visiting a SEAT dealership.
the brakes when driving at a speed of be-
● Adapt your speed and safe distance to the
tween approximately 30 km/h (18 mph) and
vehicle in front of you at all times to suit visi-
250 km/h (156 mph), generating a brief jolt
bility, weather, road and traffic conditions.
to warn of the imminent collision.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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