owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2015 - Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2015:
Driving and operating201
The feature uses various inputs (e.g.Brake preparation system
radar sensor, brake pressure, vehicle
When approaching a vehicle ahead
speed) to calculate the probability of
so quickly that a collision is likely, the
a frontal collision.
brake preparation system slightly
Active emergency braking operates
pressurises the brakes. This reduces
automatically above walking speed,
the response time, when a manual or
provided that Auto collision
automatic braking is requested.
preparation setting is not deactivated
The brake system is prepared so that
in the vehicle personalisation menu
braking can occur more rapidly.
3 134.
The system includes:
Emergency automatic braking
● brake preparation system
After the brake preparation and just
The minimum indicated distance is
● emergency automatic braking
before the imminent collision, this
0.5 s.
function automatically applies limited
● forward looking brake assist
If there is no vehicle ahead or the
braking to reduce the impact speed of
vehicle ahead is out of range, two
the collision.
dashes will be displayed: -.- s.
Forward looking brake assist
This system is not intended to
Active Emergency Braking
replace the driver responsibility ofIn addition to brake preparation
Active emergency braking can help todriving the vehicle and lookingsystem and emergency automatic
reduce the damage from crashes withahead. Its function is limited tobraking, the forward looking brake
vehicles and obstacles directlysupplemental use only. The driverassist function makes the brake assist
ahead, when a collision can no longershall continue to apply the brakemore sensitive. In this way,
be avoided either by manual brakingpedal as the driving situationdepressing the brake pedal slightly
or by steering. Before the activedictates.results immediately in a strong
emergency braking applies, the driverbraking. This function helps the driver
is warned by the forward collision brake quicker and stronger before the
alert 3 197. imminent collision.

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year of production from: 2015

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Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
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