owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2015 - Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2015:
Driving and operating191
Adaptive cruise control uses a radarSwitching on
sensor to detect the vehicles ahead.
If no vehicle is detected in the driving
path, the adaptive cruise control will
behave like a traditional cruise
For safety reasons, the system
cannot be activated before the brake
pedal has been depressed once
since switching on ignition. Activation
in first gear is not possible.
Adaptive cruise control is mainly
advised to be used on long straight The adaptive cruise control symbol,
roads, e.g. highways or country roadsthe following distance setting and set
Press C to switch on adaptive cruise
with steady traffic. Do not use the speed are indicated in the top line of
control. The control indicator m
system if it is not advisable to the Driver Information Centre.
illuminates white.
maintain a constant speed.
The accelerator pedal can be
Control indicator A 3 122, m 3 121. released. Adaptive cruise control
Activation by setting the speed
remains activated while gearshifting.
Adaptive cruise control can be
activated between 50 km/h andOverriding set speed
180 km/h.
The complete driver attention is
It is always possible to drive faster
always required while driving withAccelerate to the desired speed and
than the selected set speed by
adaptive cruise control. The driverturn thumb wheel to SET/-, the
depressing the accelerator pedal.
stays fully in control of the vehiclecurrent speed is stored and
When the accelerator pedal is
because the brake pedal, themaintained. Control indicator m
released, the vehicle returns to the
accelerator pedal and the cancelilluminates green.
desired distance if a slower vehicle is
switch have priority over any
ahead. Otherwise it returns to the
adaptive cruise control operation.
stored speed.

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year of production from: 2015

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Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
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