owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso
owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Citroen C4 Picasso I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4 Picasso, year of production 2004 - 2013:
CHECKS Failure to observe this recommen- Pa rticle filter system (Diesel)
dation may cause premature wear
Unless otherwise indicated, check of the battery. Complementary to the catalytic con-
these components in accordance verter, this fi lter makes an active
with the Maintenance and Warranty contribution to the preservation of air
Guide and according to your engine. quality by the retaining of the unburnt
pollutant particles. Black exhaust
Otherwise, have them checked by a A ir filter and passenger compartment filter
fumes are thus no longer emitted.
CITROËN dealer.
After prolonged idling or driving at very
Refer to the Maintenance
B attery low speeds, you may occasionally no-
and Warranty Guide for
tice water vapour being emitted from
details of the replacement
the exhaust when accelerating. This is
The battery does not re-intervals for these compo-
of no consequence to the running of
quire any maintenance. nents.
the vehicle or to the environment.
H owever, check that the Depending on the environment (e.g.
terminals are clean and dusty atmosphere) and the use of
correctly tightened, par-the vehicle (e.g. city driving), replace
ticularly in summer and them twice as often if necessary
winter. (refer to the "Engines" section).
When carrying out work on the bat- A clogged passenger compartment
If there is risk of clogging, a mes-
tery, refer to the "Practical infor-fi lter may have an adverse effect on
sage appears on the multifunction
mation" section for details of the the performance of the air condition-
screen, accompanied by an audi-
precautions to be taken before dis-ing system and generate undesir-
ble signal and lighting of the service
connecting the battery and following able odours.
warning lamp.
its reconnection.
This alert tells you that the particle
fi lter is starting to fi ll up (in conditions
of urban driving of exceptionally long
O il filter duration: low speeds, traffi c jams etc.)
To regenerate the fi lter, it is advised
Replace the oil fi lter each
to drive as soon as possible, when
time the engine oil is
traffi c conditions permit, at a speed
of 40 mph (around 60 km/h) or
T he presence of this label, in par- more for at least fi ve minutes (until
the alert message disappears).
ticular with the Stop & Start system, Refer to the Maintenance and
indicates the use of a specifi c 12 V Warranty Guide for details of the If this alert persists, consult a
lead-acid battery with special tech-replacement interval for this compo-CITROËN dealer.
nology and specifi cation, for which nent.
the involvement of a CITROËN
dealer is required when replacing or
disconnecting the battery.
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year of production from: 2004
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