owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso
owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Citroen C4 Picasso I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4 Picasso, year of production 2004 - 2013:
CHECKING LEVELS O il specifi cation C oolant level
The oil must correspond to your engine
Check all of these levels regularly
and conform to the manufacturer's rec-
and top them up if necessary, unless
The coolant level should be
otherwise indicated.
close to the "MAX" mark but
If a level drops signifi cantly, have the should never exceed it.
corresponding system checked by a B rake fluid level
CITROËN dealer.
When the engine is warm, the tem-
perature of the coolant is regulated
The brake fl uid level should
by the fan. This can operate with the
be close to the "MAX" mark.
W hen working under the ignition off.
If it is not, check the brake
bonnet, take care, as cer- O n vehicles which are fi tted with
pad wear.
tain areas of the engine
a particle emission fi lter, the fan
may be extremely hot (risk may operate after the vehicle has
of burns). been switched off, even if the en-
C hanging the fl uid gine is cold.
Refer to the Maintenance and
O il level In addition, as the cooling system is
Warranty Guide for details of the in-
pressurised, wait at least one hour
terval for this operation.
after switching off the engine before
The reading will only be
carrying out any work.
correct if the vehicle is on
level ground and the engine F luid specifi cation To avoid any risk of scalding, un-
has been off for more than screw the cap by two turns to allow
The brake fl uid must conform to the
15 minutes. the pressure to drop. When the pres-
manufacturer's recommendations
sure has dropped, remove the cap
The check is carried out either when and fulfi l the DOT4 standards.
and top up the level.
the ignition is switched on using the
oil level indicator on the instrument
panel, or using the dipstick. C hanging the coolant
The coolant does not have to be
X En gine oil change Po wer steering fluid level
Refer to the Maintenance and
Warranty Guide for details of the in-
The power steering fl uid F luid specifi cation
terval for this operation.
level should be close to the
The coolant must conform to the
"MAX" mark. Unscrew the
manufacturer's recommendations.
cap, with the engine cold, to
In order to maintain the re-
check the level.
liability of the engine and
emission control system,
the use of additives in the engine
oil is prohibited.
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year of production from: 2004
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