owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
05 During your trip
Fuel requirements ness of the emission control system and couldsonal air quality standards, some areas require
Deposit control gasoline (detergentresult in loss of emission warranty coverage.the use of "oxygenated" fuel.
State and local vehicle inspection programsVolvo allows the use of the following "oxygen-
additives) will make detection of misfueling easier, pos-ated" fuels; however, the octane ratings listed
Volvo recommends the use of detergent gas-sibly resulting in emission test failure for mis-on page 197 must still be met.
oline to control engine deposits. Detergentfueled vehicles.
gasoline is effective in keeping injectors and Alcohol – Ethanol
intake valves clean. Consistent use of depositNOTE Fuels containing up to 10% ethanol by volume
control gasolines will help ensure good driva-Some U.S. and Canadian gasolines containmay be used. Ethanol may also be referred to
bility and fuel economy. If you are not surean octane enhancing additive called methyl-as Ethyl alcohol, or "Gasohol".
whether the gasoline contains deposit controlcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonylEthers – MTBE: Fuels containing up to
additives, check with the service station oper-(MMT). If such fuels are used, your Emission15% MTBE may be used.
ator. Control System performance may be affec-
ted, and the Check Engine Light (malfunc-Methanol
NOTE tion indicator light) located on your instru-Do not use gasolines containing methanol
05 Volvo does not recommend the use of exter-ment panel may light. If this occurs, please(methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). This practice
nal fuel injector cleaning systems.return your vehicle to a trained and qualifiedcan result in vehicle performance deterioration
Volvo service technician for service.and can damage critical parts in the fuel sys-
Unleaded fuel Gasoline containing alcohol and ethers,tem. Such damage may not be covered under
Each Volvo has a three-way catalytic converter the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
"Oxygenated fuels"
and must use only unleaded gasoline. U.S. andSome fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing
Canadian regulations require that pumps deliv-"oxygenates" which are usually alcohols or
ering unleaded gasoline be labelled "UNLEA-ethers. In some areas, state or local laws
DED". Only these pumps have nozzles whichrequire that the service pump be marked indi-
fit your vehicle's filler inlet. It is unlawful to dis-cating use of alcohols or ethers. However,
pense leaded fuel into a vehicle labelledthere are areas in which the pumps are
"unleaded gasoline only". Leaded gasolineunmarked. If you are not sure whether there is
damages the three-way catalytic converter andalcohol or ethers in the gasoline you buy, check
the heated oxygen sensor system. Repeatedwith the service station operator. To meet sea-
use of leaded gasoline will lessen the effective-

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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