owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
05 During your trip
Driving recommendations
the ignition switched off, which drains the• Check all lights, including high beams.cold-weather starting as well as decreas-
battery. • Reflective warning triangles are legallying fuel consumption while the engine is
• The optional 12 volt socket in the cargorequired in some states/provinces.warming up. For winter use, 5W-30 oil, par-
area provides electrical current even with• Have a word with a trained and qualifiedticularly the synthetic type, is recom-
the ignition switched off, which drains theVolvo service technician if you intend tomended. Be sure to use good quality oil but
battery. drive in countries where it may be difficultdo not use cold-weather oil for hard driving
to obtain the correct fuel. or in warm weather, see page 276 for more
Before a long distance trip information on engine oil.
It is always worthwhile to have your vehicle• Consider your destination. If you will be
checked by a trained and qualified Volvo serv-driving through an area where snow or iceNOTE
ice technician before driving long distances.are likely to occur, consider snow tires.Synthetic oil is not used when the oil is
Your retailer will also be able to supply you withCold weather precautionschanged at the normal maintenance inter-
bulbs, fuses, spark plugs and wiper blades forIf you wish to check your vehicle before thevals except at owner request and at addi-
your use in the event that problems occur.approach of cold weather, the following advicetional charge.
As a minimum, the following items should beis worth noting:
05 checked before any long trip:• Make sure that the engine coolant contains• The load placed on the battery is greater
• Check that engine runs smoothly and that50 percent antifreeze. Any other mixtureduring the winter since the windshield wip-
fuel consumption is normal. will reduce freeze protection. This givesers, lighting, etc. are used more often.
protection against freezing down toMoreover, the capacity of the battery
• Check for fuel, oil, and fluid leakage–31 °F (–35 °C). The use of "recycled" anti-decreases as the temperature drops. In
• Have the transmission oil level checked.freeze is not approved by Volvo. Differentvery cold weather, a poorly charged bat-
• Check condition of drive belts.types of antifreeze must not be mixed.tery can freeze and be damaged. It is there-
fore advisable to check the state of charge
• Check state of the battery's charge.• Volvo recommends using only genuinemore frequently and spray an anti-rust oil
• Examine tires carefully (the spare tire asVolvo antifreeze in your vehicle's radiator.on the battery posts.
well), and replace those that are worn.• Try to keep the fuel tank well filled – this• Volvo recommends the use of snow tires
Check tire pressures. helps prevent the formation of condensa-on all four wheels for winter driving, see
• The brakes, front wheel alignment, andtion in the tank. In addition, in extremelypage 251.
steering gear should be checked by acold weather conditions it is worthwhile to• To prevent the washer fluid reservoir from
trained and qualified Volvo service techni-add fuel line de-icer before refueling.freezing, add washer solvents containing
cian only. • The viscosity of the engine oil is important.antifreeze. This is important since dirt is
Oil with low viscosity (thinner oil) improvesoften splashed on the windshield during

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year of production from: 2007

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