owners manual Mazda CX-5
owners manual Mazda CX-5 - year of production: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Mazda CX 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-5, year of production 2012 - 2017:
CX-5_8CA5-EA-11L_Edition3 Page193
Friday, June 22 2012 3:45 PM
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Cruise Control
qActivation/Deactivation NOTE
Toactivate the system, press the ON l Release the SET or SET- switch at the
switch. desired speed, otherwise the speed will
Thecruise main indicator light (Amber) continue increasing while the SET
illuminates. switch is pressed and held, and continue
Refer to Warning/Indicator Lights on page decreasing while the SET- switch is pressed
4-15. and held (except when the accelerator
pedal is depressed).
Todeactivate the system, press the OFF l Onasteepgrade,the vehicle may
switch. momentarily slow down while ascending,
Thecruise main indicator light (Amber) or speed up while descending.
turns off. l Cruise control will cancel if the vehicle
speed drops below 21 km/h (13 mph) when
WARNING cruise is activated, such as when climbing a
steep grade.
Always turn off the cruise control l Cruise control may cancel at about 15 km/h
system when it is not in use: (9 mph) below the preset speed (such as
Leaving the cruise control system in mayhappenwhenclimbingalong,steep
anactivation-ready state while the grade).
cruise control is not in use is
dangerous as the cruise control could qToIncreaseCruisingSpeed
unexpectedly activate if the
activation button is accidentally Follow either of these procedures.
pressed, and result in loss of vehicle Toincrease speed using cruise control
control and an accident. switch
qToSetSpeed Press the SET switch and hold it. Your
vehicle will accelerate.
1. Activate the cruise control system by Release the switch at the speed you want.
pressing the ON switch.
Thecruise main indicator light Press the SET and release it
(Amber) illuminates. Refer to Warning/ immediately to adjust the preset speed.
Indicator Lights on page 4-15. Multiple operations will increase the
2. Accelerate to the desired speed, which preset speed according to the number of
must be more than 25 km/h (16 mph). times it is operated.
Increasing speed with a single SET
3. Set the cruise control by pressing the operation
SET or SET- switch at the desired Meter display for vehicle speed indicated
speed. The cruise control is set at the in km/h: 1 km/h (0.6 mph)
momenttheSET or SET- switch is Meter display for vehicle speed indicated
pressed. Release the accelerator pedal in mph: 1 mph (1.6 km/h)
simultaneously. The cruise set indicator
light (Green) illuminates.
Form No.8CA5-EA-11L

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