owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
CAUTION 7. The steering wheel lock engages when ignitionNOTE
• Assoonastheenginehasstarted,releaseis off and a door is opened or closed.Petrol engine models:
the ignition switch immediately.MODELSWITHOUTINTELLIGENT• If the engine is very hard to start in ex-
• Do not operate the starter for more thanKEYSYSTEM tremely cold weather or when restarting,
15 seconds at a time. If the engine does1. Apply the parking brake. For additional informa-depress the accelerator pedal a little (ap-
not start, turn the ignition switch to thetion, see “Parking brake switch” in the “3. Pre-proximately 1/3 of the way to the floor)
“OFF”positionandwait10seconds(Petroldriving checks and adjustments” section.andholdit and then crank the engine. Re-
engine models) or 20 seconds (Diesel en-2. Manual transmission models:lease the ignition switch and the accelera-
gine models) before cranking again, oth- tor pedal when the engine starts.
erwise the starter could be damaged.Move the shift lever to the N (Neutral) position,• If the engine is very hard to start because
• Ifitbecomesnecessarytostarttheengineand depress the clutch pedal to the floor whileit is flooded, depresstheacceleratorpedal
with a booster battery and jumper cables,starting the engine.all the way to the floor and hold it. Crank
the instructions and cautions contained inXTRONICtransmission (CVT) models:the engine for 5-6 seconds. After cranking
the “6. In case of emergency” sectionMovetheshiftlevertotheP(Park)orN(Neutral)the engine, release the accelerator pedal.
should be carefully followed.position. (P position is preferred).Cranktheenginewithyourfootofftheac-
5. After starting, allow the engine to idle for at least celerator pedal by turning the ignition
30 seconds to warm-up. Drive at moderateThe starter is designed to operate only whenswitchtoSTART.Releasetheswitchwhen
speeds for a short distance first, especially inthe shift lever is in the proper position.the engine starts. If the engine starts, but
cold weather. 3. Rotate the steering wheel left to right to releasefails to run, repeat the above procedure.
CAUTION the ignition lock whilst turning the ignition switchCAUTION
to the ON position. • Assoonastheenginehasstarted,release
Donotleavethevehicleunattendedwhilethe4. For diesel engine models: Wait until the glowthe ignition switch immediately.
engine is warming up. indicator light () goes out.
6. To stop the engine: • Do not operate the starter for more than
5. With your foot on the brake pedal, not on the15 seconds at a time. If the engine does
– Manual transmission models: apply the park-accelerator pedal, crank the engine by turningnot start, turn the ignition switch to the
ing brake and push the ignition switch to thethe ignition switch to START.“OFF”positionandwait10seconds(Petrol
“OFF” position. 6. Immediately release the ignition switch when theengine models) or 20 seconds (Diesel en-
– XTRONIC transmission models: move theenginestarts. If the engine starts, but fails to run,gine models) before cranking again, oth-
shift lever to the P (Park) position, apply therepeat the above procedures.erwise the starter could be damaged.
parking brake and push the switch to the
“OFF” position.
5-16 Starting and driving
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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