owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
After step 4 is performed, when the ignition switchMODELSWITHINTELLIGENTKEYing the brake pedal or clutch pedal with
is pushed without depressing the brake pedal, theSYSTEM the ignition switch in any position.
ignition switch position will change to “ACC”. • For diesel engine models: In cold condi-
1. Apply the parking brake. For additional informa-tions there may be a delay for a few sec-
NOTE tion, see “Parking brake switch” in the “3. Pre-
• When the ignition switch is pushed to thedriving checks and adjustments” section.ondsbeforetheenginecranks.Thisisdue
“ACC”or“ON”positionortheengineisstarted to the glow plugs heating to ensure ad-
2. Manual transmission models: equate engine starting conditions. The
by the above procedures, the Intelligent KeyMove the shift lever to the N (Neutral) position,glow indicator light () will illuminate
system warning light may blink in yellow (onand depress the clutch pedal to the floor whileduringthisdelay,thentheenginewillstart.
the meter) even if the Intelligent Key is insidestarting the engine.
the vehicle. This is not a malfunction. To stop 4. Immediately release the ignition switch when the
the warning light from blinking, touch the ig-XTRONICtransmission (CVT) models:enginestarts. If the engine starts, but fails to run,
nition switch with the Intelligent Key again.MovetheshiftlevertotheP(Park)orN(Neutral)repeat the above procedures.
• If the Intelligent Key system warning light inposition. (P position is preferred).NOTE
themeterisblinkingingreen,replacethebat-The starter is designed to operate only whenPetrol engine models:
tery as soon as possible. (See “Integratedthe shift lever is in the proper position.
keyfob/IntelligentKeybatteryreplacement”in • If the engine is very hard to start in ex-
the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” sec-TheIntelligent Key (where fitted) must be car-tremely cold weather or when restarting,
tion.) ried while inside the vehicle when operatingdepress the accelerator pedal a little (ap-
the ignition switch. proximately 1/3 of the way to the floor)
andholdit and then crank the engine. Re-
3. To start the engine: lease the ignition switch and the accelera-
• MT models – keep the clutch pedaltor pedal when the engine starts.
depressed and/or depress the brake pedal• If the engine is very hard to start because
then push the ignition switch to the “ON” po-it is flooded, depresstheacceleratorpedal
sition. all the way to the floor and hold it. Crank
• XTRONICtransmissionmodels–depressthethe engine for 5-6 seconds. After cranking
brake pedal then push the ignition switch tothe engine, release the accelerator pedal.
the “ON” position. Cranktheenginewithyourfootofftheac-
NOTE celerator pedal by turning the ignition
• Tostarttheengineimmediately,pushandthe engine starts. If the engine starts, but
release the ignition switch while depress-fails to run, repeat the above procedure.
Starting and driving5-15
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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