owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Air recirculation buttonRear window and outside mirror (if so2. Press theair flow control button.
equipped) defroster switch 3. Turn thefan control dial to the desired
ONposition (Indicator light on):For additional information, refer to “Rear windowposition.
Interior air is recirculated inside the vehicle.and outside mirror (if so equipped) defroster
Pressthe buttontotheONpositionwhen:switch”in the “Instruments and controls”section4. Turn the temperature control dial to the de-
of this manual. sired position.
● driving on a dusty road. Defrosting or defogging
● to prevent traffic fumes from entering pas-HEATEROPERATIONThis modedirects the air to the defrost outlets to
senger compartment. Heating defrost/defog the windows.
● formaximumcoolingwhenusingtheaircon-This mode is used to direct heated air to the foot1. Press the defrost/defog button.
ditioner. outlets. Some air also flows from the defrost
The air recirculation function does not operateoutlets and the side vent outlets.2. Turnthefancontroldialtothedesired
wheninthe or air flow modes. position.
OFFposition (Indicator light off):1. Press thebutton to the OFF position3. Turn the temperature control dial to the de-
Outsideairisdrawnintothepassengercompart-for normal heating.sired position between the middle and the
mentanddistributedthroughtheselectedoutlet.2. Press theair flow control button.hot position.
Use the OFF position for normal heater or air3. Turnthefancontroldialtothedesired● To quickly remove ice or fog from the win-
conditioner operation. position. dows, turn thefan control dial to the
Air conditioner button (if so4. Turn the temperature control dial to the de-highest setting and the temperature control
equipped) sired position between the middle and theto the full HOT position.
Starttheengine,turnthefancontroldialtohot position.
the desired position and press thebuttonVentilation
to turn on the air conditioner. To turn off the airThis mode directs outside air to the side and
conditioner, press thebutton again.center vents.
The air conditioner cooling function oper-
ates only when the engine is running.1. Press thebutton to the OFF position.
4-18 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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