owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● When washing the vehicle with high● Objectsonthemonitormaynotbeclearina
pressure water, be sure not to spray itdark environment.
around the camera. Otherwise, water● There may be a delay when switching be-
mayenter the camera unit causing wa- tween views.
ter condensation on the lens, a mal-● If dirt, rain or snow accumulate on the cam-
function, fire or an electric shock. era, RearView Monitor may not display ob-
● Do not strike the camera. It is a preci-jects clearly. Clean the camera.
sion instrument. Otherwise, it may mal-● Donotusewaxonthecameralens.Wipeoff
functionorcausedamageresultingina any wax with a clean cloth dampened with a
fire or an electric shock. diluted mild cleaning agent, then wipe with a
Thefollowingareoperatinglimitationsanddonotdry cloth.
represent a system malfunction:
● When the temperature is extremely high or LHA3819
low, the screen may not clearly display ob- SYSTEMMAINTENANCE
● When strong light directly shines on the CAUTION
camera, objects may not be displayed ● Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner
clearly. to clean the camera. This will cause
● Vertical lines may be seen in objects on the discoloration.
screen. This is due to strong reflected light ● Donotdamagethecameraasthemoni-
from the bumper. tor screen may be adversely affected.
● The screen may flicker under fluorescent If dirt, rain or snow accumulates on the camera
light. 1 , the RearView Monitor may not display ob-
● ThecolorsofobjectsontheRearViewMoni- jects clearly. Clean the camera by wiping it with a
tor may differ somewhat from the actual cloth dampened with a diluted mild cleaning
color of objects. agent and then wiping it with a dry cloth.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-15

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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