owners manual Audi A4
owners manual Audi A4 - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Audi A4 B8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Audi A4, year of production 2008 - 2015:
document_0900452a81b1b9de.book Seite 17 Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007 9:16 09
Instruments and warning/indicator lamps 17
switching the ignition off and then on again. If the warning lamp
Note goes out, this means the system is fully functional.
• If the glow plug indicator lamp should start flashing while the For further information on the ESP ⇒ page 222.
vehicle is moving, this indicates a fault in the engine management
system. The engine should be serviced without delay.
• If the indicator lamp fails to light up when the ignition is Airbag system
switched on, this can mean that the glow plug system is defective. This warning lamp monitors the airbag and seat belt
The engine should be serviced. tensioner system.
Electronic stabilisation program (ESP) The warning lamp should light up for a few seconds when the
ignition is switched on.
This warning lamp monitors the electronic stabilisation If the warning lamp does not go out, or if it lights up, flashes or
program. flickers when the vehicle is moving, this indicates a malfunction in
The warning lamp has the following functions: the system. This is also the case if the warning lamp does not light
• It flashes when the ESP or traction control system (ASR) inter-up when the ignition is switched on.
venes while the vehicle is in motion. WARNING
• The warning lamp will light up continuously if the ESP or the
traction control system (ASR) has been switched off using the ESP If a malfunction should occur, have the system checked immedi-
OFF button ⇒ page 222. ately by a qualified workshop. If this is neglected, there is a risk
• It lights up when the ignition is switched on and should go out that the airbag system and/or belt tensioners may not be acti-
again after about 2 seconds. This signals that the lamp is working vated in an accident.
• It will light up continuously if there is a malfunction in the ESP.Tyre pressure monitoring
• It will also come on if a fault should occur in the ABS because the The tyre pressure should be corrected as soon as possible
ESP operates in conjunction with the ABS. if it is too low.
If the battery has been disconnected, if the battery voltage is very
low, or if the engine has been started from an outside power source, If the symbol flashes for about a minute and then remains lit after
the ESP system will perform an initialisation of the various on-board you switch on the ignition, there is a fault in the system. Please
sensors while you drive the first few metres. The warning lamp will contact the nearest qualified workshop as soon as possible.
light up during this period. It will go out when the initialisation has For more detailed information on the tyre pressure monitoring
been completed. system, please refer to ⇒ page 39.
If the warning lamp lights up and stays on after the engine is
started, this may mean that the control system has temporarily
switched off the ESP. In this case the ESP can be reactivated by
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year of production from: 2008
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