owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
IGNITION SWITCH(wherefitted)
MANUALTRANSMISSION When the key cannot be turned toward the LOCK
To lock the steering wheel, turn the ignition switchposition, proceed as follows to remove the key:
to the LOCK position and remove the key from the 1. Move the shift lever into the P (Park) position.
ignition switch, then turn the steering clockwise. To2. Turn the key slightly in the ON direction.
turnitgentlywhilerotatingthesteeringwheelslightly 3. Turn the key towards the LOCK position.
right and left. 4. Remove the key.
The ignition key can only be removed when the STEERINGLOCK
switch is in the LOCK position (Normal parking po-
NSD477 sition) (0). To lock the steering wheel
j1 OFF XTRONICTRANSMISSION(CVT) 1. Turn the key to the LOCK position.
The ignition lock is designed so that the key cannot2. Remove the key from the ignition switch.
WARNING beturnedtoLOCKandremoveduntiltheshiftlever 3. Turn the steering wheel 1/6 of a turn clockwise
Never remove the key or turn the ignition switch is moved to the P (Park) position. from the straight up position.
to the LOCK position while driving. The steering Whenremoving the key from the LOCK position of To unlock the steering wheel
wheelwilllockandcouldcausethedrivertolose the ignition switch, make sure that the shift lever is
control of the vehicle. This could result in seriousin the P (Park) position. 1. Insert the key into the ignition switch.
vehicle damage or personal injury. The shift lever can only be moved from the P (Park)2. Gently turn the key while rotating the steering
CAUTION position when the ignition switch is in the ON posi- wheel slightly right and left.
Use electrical accessories with the engine run- tion and the footbrake pedal is depressed. KEYPOSITIONS
ning to avoid discharging the vehicle battery. If To remove the key from the ignition switch: LOCK(Normalparking position) (0)
youmustuseaccessorieswhiletheengineisnot 1. Move the shift lever into the P (Park) position.
running,donotusethemforextendedperiodsof The ignition key can only be removed when in this
time and do not use multiple electrical accesso- 2. Turn the key to the LOCK position. position.
ries at the same time. 3. Remove the key from the ignition switch. Thesteeringlockcanonlybelockedinthisposition.
The switch includes an anti-theft steering lock de-If the key is removed from the ignition switch, theOFF/ACC(Accessories)/(1)
vice. shift lever cannot be moved from the P (Park) posi-
tion. Theengineisturnedoffwithoutlockingthesteering
such as the radio, when the engine is not running.
Starting and driving 5-11
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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