owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher rolloverNISSANBlueCitizenship• Keep your engine tuned up. Malfunctions in
rate than other types of vehicles.Thethree-waycatalystisanemissioncontroldevicethe ignition, fuel injection, or electrical sys-
They have higher ground clearance than passengerinstalled in the exhaust system. In the converter,tems can cause over-rich fuel flow into the
cars to make them capable of performing in a wideexhaust gases are burned at high temperatures toconverter, causing it to overheat.
variety of on-pavement and off-road applications.help reduce pollutants.• Avoiddriving with an extremely low fuel level.
This gives them a higher centre of gravity than ordi-CAUTIONRunningoutoffuelcouldcausetheengineto
nary cars. An advantage of higher ground clearance misfire, damaging the three-way catalyst.
is a better view of the road, allowing you to antici-• Theexhaust gas and the exhaust system are• Donotkeepdriving if the engine misfires, or
pate problems. However, they are not designed forvery hot. While the engine is running, keepif noticeable loss of performance or other un-
cornering at the same speeds as conventional two-peopleorflammablematerialsawayfromtheusualoperatingconditionsaredetected.Have
wheeldrive(2WD)vehiclesanymorethanlow-slungexhaust pipe. the vehicle inspected promptly by a NISSAN
sports cars are designed to perform satisfactorily• Do not stop or park the vehicle over flam-dealer or qualified workshop.
under off-road conditions. If possible, avoid sharpmablematerials such as dry grass, waste pa-
turns or abrupt manoeuvres, particularly at highper or rags, as they may burn easily.• Donotracetheenginewhilewarmingitup.
speeds.Aswithothervehiclesofthistype,failureto • Do not push or tow your vehicle to start the
operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss of• When parking, ensure that people or flam-engine.
control or vehicle rollover. In a rollover accident anmable materials are kept away from the ex-
unbelted person is significantly more likely to behaust pipe.
injured than a person who is wearing a seat belt.TOHELPPREVENTDAMAGE
• Use UNLEADED PETROL ONLY, specifically
the recommended type. For details, see “Ca-
the “9. Technical information” section.
• Do not use leaded petrol. Leaded petrol will
seriously damage three-way catalyst.
Deposits from leaded petrol will seriously re-
duce the three-way catalyst’s ability to help
reduce exhaust pollutants.
Starting and driving5-9
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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