owners manual Peugeot 207
owners manual Peugeot 207 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 207 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 207, year of production 2006 - 2012:
* The services available depend on the network, the SIM card and the compatibility of the Bluetooth
telephone used. Check the telephone manual and with your network provider for details of the
services available to you. A list of mobile telephones with the best level of compatibility is available
from the dealer network.
F or reasons of safety and because they require prroolloonngged 3 F or a fi rst connection, select
attention on the part of the driver, the operations foorr ppaaiirring "Search phone" and press the dial to
tthhee BBlluueettooootthh mmoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonnee ttoo tthhee hhaannddss--ffrreeee ssyysstteemm ooff confi rm. Then select the name of the
tthhee PPeeuuggeeoott CCoonnnneecctt NNaavviiggaattiioonn mmuusstt bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt wwiitthh telephone.
the vehicle stationary. The ignition must be on.
A ctivate the telephone's Bluetooth function. 4 E nter the authentication code on the
The last telephone connected is reconnected telephone. The code to be entered is
automatically. displayed on the screen.
O nce the telephone has been connected, Peugeott CCoonnnect
2 Navigation can synchronise the address book and tthhee ccall list. This
synchronisation may take a few minutes * .
P ress the PHONE button.
1 T o change the telephone connected,
press the PHONE button, then select
Phone Menu and press the dial to
confi rm.
T T hhee lliisstt ooff tteelleepphhoonneess ccoonnnneecctteedd pprreevviioouussllyy ((44 mmaaxxiimmuumm)) aappppeeaarrs s
2 S elect "Connect phone". Select the
oonn tthhee mmuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn ssccrreeeenn SSeelleecctt tthhee tteelleepphhoonnee rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr aa nneeww
connection. telephone and press to confi rm.

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year of production from: 2006

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Peugeot 207 owners manual
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