owners manual Peugeot 207
owners manual Peugeot 207 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 207 owners manual EN
pdf (10.88 MB) 218 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 207, year of production 2006 - 2012:
1 4
Select the music source required:
Press the MUSIC button. CD, MP3/WMA CD. Press the dial to
confi rm. Play begins.
Press the up or down button to select
T Thhee lliisstt ooff ttrraacckkss oorr MMPP33//WWMMAA fifi lleess aappppeeaarrss uunnddeerr ""MMuussiicc"" MMeennuu the next/previous folder.
2 Press the MUSIC button again or 6 Press one of the buttons to select a
select the "Music" Menu function and
music track.
press the dial to confi rm. Press and hold one of the buttons for
fast forward or rewind play.
Select the "Select music" function and
3 press the dial to confi rm.
T Thhee ppllaayyiinngg aanndd ddiissppllaayyiinngg ooff aann MMPP33//WWMMAA ccoommppiillaattiioonn mmaay y
ddeeppeenndd oonn tthhee rreeccoorrddiinngg pprrooggrraammmmee aanndd//oorr tthhee sseettttiinnggss uusseedd WWee
recommend the ISO 9660 fi le standard.

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year of production from: 2006

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Peugeot 207 owners manual
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Peugeot 207 owners manual
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