owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation system (enteringadestination)
Entering predefined destinations Select “OK”. Entering another destination as a stop-
Select “Navi” “Destination” You can now select a different cat-over
“Stopover”. egory. Select “Navi” “Destination”
If a stopover has already been entered, If COMAND finds destinations, you will “Stopover”.
you can change it. see a list of the destinations and details Entering: Select “Other”.
Changing: Select “Change Stop-of how far away they are in the You can select between the following
over”. right-hand side of the display. The in-menu items:
formation about how far away the des-
You can now select a category.tinations are can take a few seconds to “Address Entry”
Selecting a category: be displayed. “From Memory”
Select category, e.g. “Gas station”.The left-hand part of the display shows “From Last Destinations”
COMAND first looks for destinations the destinations on the map. The desti- “From POIs”
within the immediate vicinity of the ve-nation marked in the list is highlighted
hicle and near the vehicle’s route. If in the map. Select a menu item.
there are no destinations available Selecting a destination: Select the
there, COMAND searches for destina-desired destination from list.
tions in an area around the vehicle po-The address of the destination ap-
sition. pears.
If COMAND does not find any destina-
tions, you will see a message to this ef- Starting route calculation:
fect. Select “Start”, see also ( page 181).

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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