owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation system (enteringadestination)
Entering a destination from the list of Entering a destination from the map
last destinations
iDepending on the factory settings of the ve-
Select “Navi” “Destination” hicle, it may not be possible to enter a destina-
“From Last Destinations”. tion while the vehicle exceeds a preset speed. As
The list of last destinations appears. soon as the vehicles speed drops to below the
preset speed, the function is available again.
The most recent destination is at the You can enter a destination via the map if the dig-
top of the list. ital map does not contain the address of the des-
Select desired destination. tination, but the destination must be within the
area of the digital map.
Starting route calculation: 1Crosshair
Select “Start”, see also ( page 181).Calling up the map 2Details of the crosshair position
In the address input menu, select 3Map scale
“Map” ( page 162). iDisplay 2 may be the name of a road, for
You will see the map with a crosshair. example, provided the digital map contains the
The map is set to the address set in the necessary data.
address input menu. If no data is available, display 2 shows:
or the coordinates if the geo-coordinate display
is switched on ( page 160)
Select “Navi” “Destination” no display if the geo-coordinate display is
“Via Map”. switched off ( page 160)
You will see the map with a crosshair.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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