owners manual Ford Fiesta
owners manual Ford Fiesta - year of production: 2008 - Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Fiesta, year of production 2008:
4. After three seconds, the Service: Oil
reset in prog. message will be
5. After 25 seconds, the Service: Oil reset
complete message will be displayed.
6. Release both the accelerator and brake
7. The Service: Oil reset complete
message will no longer be displayed.
8. Rotate the key to the off position. For
E142732 vehicles with push-button start, press
Only use oils certified for gasoline engines the start button to turn the vehicle off
by the American Petroleum Institute (API). completely.
An oil with this trademark symbol
conforms to the current engine and ENGINE COOLANT CHECK
emission system protection standards and
fuel economy requirements of the Checking the Engine Coolant
International Lubricants Specification
Advisory Council (ILSAC), comprised of When the engine is cold, check the
U.S. and Japanese automobile concentration and level of the engine
manufacturers. coolant at the intervals listed in the
1. Remove the filler cap. scheduled maintenance information. See
2. Add engine oil that meets the Ford Scheduled Maintenance (page 368).
specifications. See Maintenance Note:Make sure that the level is between
(page 177). the MIN and MAX marks on the coolant
3. Replace the filler cap. Turn it until you reservoir.
feel a strong resistance. Note:Coolant expands when it is hot. The
Resetting the Oil Life Monitoring level may extend beyond the MAX mark
System Note:If the level is at the MIN mark, below
the MIN mark, or empty, add coolant
Note:Reset the oil life monitoring only after immediately. See Adding Engine Coolant
an oil change. in this chapter.
1. Turn the ignition key to the on position. The coolant concentration should be
Do not start the engine. For vehicles maintained within 48% to 50%, which
with push-button start, press and hold equates to a freeze point between -30°F
the start button for two seconds (-34°C) and -34°F (-37°C).
without pressing the brake pedal. Do Note:For best results, coolant
not attempt to start the engine. concentration should be tested with a
2. Press both the accelerator and brake refractometer such as Rotunda tool
pedals at the same time. 300-ROB75240 available from your
3. Keep both pedals fully pressed. authorized dealer. Ford does not
recommend the use of hydrometers or
coolant test strips for measuring coolant
Fiesta (CCT)
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year of production from: 2008
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Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual
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