owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Washing and waxing your
Check the interior of your vehicle.Wa -Washing your Toyota 1. Rinse off loose dirt with a hose. Re-
ter and dirt can accumulate under theKeep your vehicle clean by regularmove any mud or road salt from the
floor mats and could cause corrosion. Oc-washing. underside of the vehicle or in the
casionally check under the mats to makeThe following cases may cause weaknesswheel wells.
sure the area is dry. Be particularly care- 2. Wash with a mild car–wash soap,
ful when transporting chemicals, cleans-to the paint or corrosion to the body and mixed according to the manufacturer’s
ers, fertilizers, salt, etc.; thehoulse ds beparts. Wash your vehicle as soon as pos-instructions. Use a soft cotton mitt and
transported in proper containers. If a spill sible. keep it wet by dipping it frequently into
or leak should occur, immediately clean When driving in a coastal areathe wash water. Do not rub hard—let
and dry the area. When driving on a road sprinkled withthe soap and water remove the dirt.
Use mud shields on your wheeIfl yos. uantifreeze Plastic wheel ornaments: The plastic
drive on salted or gravel roads, mud When having coal tar, tree sap, bird wheel ornaments are damaged easily by
shields help protect your vehicle. Full–sizedroppings and carcass of an insectorganic substances. If any organic sub-
shields, which come as near to the ground stances splashes an ornament, be sure to
as possible, are the best. We recommend When driving in the areas where there wash it off with water and check if the
is a lot of smoke, soot, dust, iron dust
that the fittings and the area where the ornament is damaged.
and chemical substance
shields are installed be treated to resist
corrosion. Your Toyota dealer will be When the vehicle becomes remarkablyCAUTION
happy to assist in supplying and instllina gdirty with dust and mud
the shields if they are recommended for
your area. Hand–washing your Toyota Do not attach the heavily damaged
Work in the shade and wait until the plastic wheel ornament. It may fly off
Keep your vehicle in a well ventilated the wheel and cause accidents while
garage or a roofed place. Do not park vehicle body is not hot to the touch. the vehicle is moving.
your vehicle in a damp, poorly venti- CAUTION
lated garage.If you wash your vehicle in Aluminum wheels: Use only a mild soap
the garage, or if you drive it in coveredWhen cleaning under floor or chassis,or neutral detergent.
with water or snow, your garage may be
be careful not to injure your hands. Plastic bumpers: Wash carefully. Do not
so damp it will cause corrosion. Even if scrub with abrasive cleaners. The bumper
your garage is heated, a wet vehicle can faces are soft.
corrode if the ventilation is poor.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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