owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Protecting your Toyota from
Toyota, through its diligent research, de- Wetness or dampness to certain parts High pressure water or steam is effec-
sign and use of the most advancedof your vehicle for an extended periodtive for cleaning the vehicle’s underside
technology available, has done its part toof time, may cause corrosion even and wheel housings. Pay particular
help prevent corrosion and has providedthough other parts of the vehicle mayattention to these areas as it is difficult
you with the finest qualitybe d very. hicle to see all the mud and dirt. It will do
construction. Now, it is up to you. Proper High ambient temperatures can causemore harm than good to simply wet the
care of your Toyota can help ensure long–corrosion to those components of themud and debris without removing them.
term corrosion prevention. vehicle which are prevented fromThe lower edge of doors, rocker panels
and frame members have drain holes
The most common causes of corrosion quick–drying due to lack of proper ven-which should not be allowed to clog
to your vehicle are: tilation. with dirt as trapped water in these
The accumulation of road salt, dirt and The above signifies the necessity to keepareas can cause corrosion.
moisture in hard–to–reach areas underyour vehicle, particularly the underside, as Wash the underside of the vehicle thor-
the vehicle. clean as possible and to repair any dam-oughly when winter is over.
age to paint or protective coatings as
Chipping of paint, or undercoating
caused by minor accidents or by soon as possible. See “Washing and waxing your Toyota” for
stones and gravel. To help prevent corrosion on yourmore tips.
Toyota, follow these guidelines:Check the condition of your vehicle’s
Care is especially important if you live paint and trim.If you find any chips or
in particular areas or operate your ve-Wash your vehicle frequently. It is, of scratches in the paint, touch them up im-
hicle under certain environmental condi- course, necessary to keep your vehicle
mediately to prevent corrosion from start-
tions: clean by regular washing, but to prevent ing. If the chips or scratches have gone
Road salt or dust control chemicals will corrosion, the following points should be through the bare metal, have a qualified
accelerate corrosion, as will the pres- body shop make the repair.
ence of salt in the air near the sea– If you drive on salted roads in the
coast or in areas of industrial pollution.winter or if you live near the ocean,
High humidity accelerates corrosion es-you should hose off the undercarriage
pecially when temperatures range justat least once a month to minimize cor-
above the freezing point. rosion.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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