owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
WARNING LIGHT ON EOBD SYSTEM If, when the ignition key
INSTRUMENT PANEL is turned to MAR, the U
When the ignition key is turned to MAR,The EOBD system (European On Board Di-warning light does not
the dial warning light comes on but mustagnosis) allows continuous diagnosis of thecome on or if, when driving, it
á components of the car correlated with emis-lights up and emits a fixed light or
go out after a few seconds.sions. a flashing one (together with the
If the warning light does not go out, or if itIt also alerts the driver, by turning on themessage + symbol shown by the
stays on (together with the message + sym-warning light U on the instrument paneldisplay), contact an Alfa Romeo
bol on the display and the coming on of the Authorized Service Station as soon
(together with the message + symbol
unning, ASR button led) when the vehicle is r as possible. The operation of the
contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.shown by the display), when these condi-warning light can also be
tions are no longer in peak conditions.U
The flashing of the warning lamp when the checked by means of special equip-
vehicle is running indicates the actuation ofThe objective is the following:ment available to the traffic con-
– to keep under control the efficiency oftrol officers. Comply with the reg-
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CARthe VDC system.the system; ulations in force in country where
VDC system failure warning – to indicate when a malfunction causesyou drive your car.
an increase in the emissions beyond the
In the event of a failure the VDC system
threshold established by European regula-
disengages automatically and the áwarn-tions;
ing light on the instrument cluster turns on– to indicate the need to replace the de-WARNING After the problem has beel
glowing steadily (together with the messageteriorated components.resolved, to completely check the system,
+ symbol shown on the display and the com-The system also has a diagnostic connec-the Alfa Romeo Authorized Services must
ing on of the ASR button led).tor, which can be interfaced with adequate in-carry out tests on a test bench and, if nec-
In the event of a VDC system failure the essary, road tests that could be long.
ror codes storedstruments, that enables the er
car behaves like a vehicle not fitted with thisin the control unit to be read, together with
system: in any case it is advisable to con-
ning the a series of specific parameters concer
tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as soonoperation and diagnosis of the engine. This
as possible. check can also be made by the traffic con-
trol agents.

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year of production from: 1997

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