owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
cleaning the blades and using the wiper,down the wiper arm to remove.
CLEANING replace the blades.
If your windshield is not clear after using theCAUTION 3. Remove the wiper blade.
windshield washer or if the wiper blade 4. Insert the new wiper blade onto the wiper
chatters when running, wax or other mate-Worn windshield wiper blades canarm until it clicks.
rial may be on the blade or windshield.damage the windshield and impair
Clean the outside of the windshield with adriver vision. CAUTION
washer solution or a mild detergent. Your ● Afterwiperbladereplacement,return
windshield is clean if beads do not formREPLACING the wiper arm to its original position;
when rinsing with clear water. otherwise it may be damaged when
Replace the wiper blades if they are wornthe hood is opened.
Clean the blade by wiping it with a cloth1. Lift the wiper arm away from the wind-
soakedin a washer solution or a mild deter-shield.
gent. Then rinse the blade with clear water.
Ifyour windshield is still not clear after2. Push the tab, then move the wiper blade
8-28 Maintenance and do-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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