owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Features of your vehicle
Safety instructions Notes on USB stick (thumb drive)Notes on Bluetooth devices
Make all inputs via the remote con- We strongly recommend onlIn rare cases it is possibyle that an
trol only when the vehicle is sta-using USB sticks (thumb drives)Bluetooth device is not recognized
tionary, or have the passengof well-known manerufacturers.by the unit or may cause a malfunc-
make them. Otherwise, you may tion. Please only use Bluetooth
On no account must other USB
endanger the occupants and other devices that comply with the
devices such as hard discs or
road users. Bluetooth specifications.
other digital equipment or multi
plug USB hub be connected to
the USB hub. Connecting other
Notes on Bluetooth® Technology*
WARNING devices can cause malfunction or Bluetooth is a short-range wireless
even destroy the audio equip-
Avoid inserting any foreign objectsment. radio connectivity technology used
into the slot of this player. Failure to mainly for mobile phones, hand-held
Avoid using the USB memory
observe this may cause malfunc- PC’s and other devices.
when it might hinder your safety
tion due to the precise mechanism Bluetooth SIG Inc.owns the Bluetooth
of this unit. driving. word, marking and logo; and any use
It is possible that noise is heard
of such marks is under license. Other
during playback when using the
trademarks and trade names are
AUX-IN together with the power
those of their respective owners.
WARNING outlet due to system-related not a Bluetooth operates in 2.4 GHz fre-
Keep the volume level low enoughmalfunction. If this happens, usequency range and transmits voice
to be aware of road and traffic con-the power source of the AUX
device. and data at speeds of up to 1 mbps
ditions. within a range of up to 10 m.
In rare cases it is possible that an The Head Unit supports the Hands
USB stick (thumb drive) is not
free Profile (HFP), the Advanced
recognized by the unit or may
WARNING cause a malfunction. Please onlyAudio Distribution Profile (A2DP) and
Do not open covers and do not the Audio Video Remote Control
use USB sticks that comply with Profile (AVRCP).
repair yourself. Refer servicing tothe USB thumb drive specifica-
qualified personnel. tions.
4 108

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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