owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Features of your vehicle
Using a cellular phone or a two-way General information
radio RDS (Radio Data System)
When a cellular phone is used inside the
vehicle, noise may be produced from the Many VHF stations transmit RDS infor-
mation. The tuner evaluates the RDS
audio equipment. This does not mean
telegram and offers the following advan-
that something is wrong with the audio
equipment.In such a case, use the cellu-tages:
PS (Program Service name): Display
lar phone at a place as far as possible
from the audio equipment. of station name.
PTY (Program TYpe): Station selec-
tion by program type.
CAUTION AF (Alternative Frequency):
JBM005 When using a communication sys-Automatic re-tuning to best alternative
tem such a cellular phone or a radiofrequency.
Station Swapping – As a FM signal
set inside the vehicle, a separate
weakens, another more powerful sta- TA (Traffic Announcement): Traffic
external antenna must be fitted.
tion signal near the same frequency announcements.
When a cellular phone or a radio set EON (Enhanced Other Networks):
may begin to play. This is because
is used with an internal antenna
your radio is designed to lock onto the Automatic fade-in of traffic announce-
alone,it may interfere with the vehi-ments on other stations.
clearest signal. If this occurs, select
another station with a stronger signal.cles electrical system and adverse-
ly affect safe operation of the vehi-
Multi-Path Cancellation - Radio sig-
nals being received from several
directions can cause distortion or flut-
tering.This can be caused by a direct
or reflected signal from the same sta-WARNING
tion, or by signals from two stations
Don’t use a cellular phone when
with close frequencies. If this occurs,
you are driving.You must stop at a
select another station until the condi-
tion has passed. safe place to use a cellular phone.
4 106

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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