owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt
owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Cobalt, year of production 2004 - 2010:
Your Driving, the Road, and proper defensive driving more difficult and can even
causeacollision, with resulting injury. Ask a passenger to
Your Vehicle help do things like this, or pull off the road in a safe place
to do them yourself. These simple defensive driving
Defensive Driving techniques could save your life.
The best advice anyone can give about driving is:Drunken Driving
Drive defensively. Death and injury associated with drinking and driving is
Please start with a very important safety device in youra national tragedy. It is the number one contributor
vehicle: Buckle up. See Safety Belts: They Are forto the highway death toll, claiming thousands of victims
Everyone on page 1-9. every year.
Defensive driving really means “be ready for anything.”Alcohol affects four things that anyone needs to drive a
Oncity streets, rural roads, or freeways, it meansvehicle:
“always expect the unexpected.” • Judgment
Assume that pedestrians or other drivers are going to• Muscular Coordination
be careless and make mistakes. Anticipate what
they might do. Be ready for their mistakes.• Vision
Rear-end collisions are about the most preventable of• Attentiveness
accidents. Yet they are common. Allow enough followingPolice records show that almost half of all motor
distance. It is the best defensive driving maneuver, invehicle-related deaths involve alcohol. In most cases,
both city and rural driving. You never know when thethese deaths are the result of someone who was
vehicle in front of you is going to brake or turn suddenly.drinking and driving. In recent years, more than
Defensive driving requires that a driver concentrate on16,000 annual motor vehicle-related deaths have been
the driving task. Anything that distracts from the drivingassociated with the use of alcohol, with more than
task —suchasconcentratingonacellulartelephonecall,300,000 people injured.
reading, or reaching for something on the floor — makes
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year of production from: 2004
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manual Chevrolet Cobalt Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual
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