owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt
owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Cobalt, year of production 2004 - 2010:
FMStereo Care of the CD Player
FMstereo will give the best sound, but FM signals willThe use of CD lens cleaners for CD players is not
reach only about 10 to 40 miles (16 to 65 km). Talladvised, due to the risk of contaminating the lens of the
buildings or hills can interfere with FM signals, causingCDoptics with lubricants internal to the CD mechanism.
the sound to fade in and out.
XM™Satellite Radio Service Fixed Mast Antenna
XM™Satellite Radio Service gives digital radioThe fixed mast antenna can withstand most car washes
reception from coast to coast. Just as with FM, tallwithout being damaged. If the mast should ever
buildings or hills can interfere with satellite radio signals,become slightly bent, straighten it out by hand. If the
causing the sound to fade in and out. The radio maymast is badly bent, replace it.
display NO SIGNAL to indicate interference.Check occasionally to make sure the mast is still
tightened to the fender. If tightening is required, tighten
Care of Your CDs by hand, then with a wrench one quarter turn.
Handle CDs carefully. Store them in their original casesXM™Satellite Radio Antenna
or other protective cases and away from direct
sunlight and dust. If the surface of a CD is soiled,System
dampen a clean, soft cloth in a mild, neutral detergent
solution and clean it, wiping from the center to the edge.The XM™ Satellite Radio antenna is located on the roof
Be sure never to touch the side without writing whenof your vehicle. Keep this antenna clear of snow and
handling CDs. Pick up CDs by grasping the outer edgesice build up for clear radio reception.
or the edge of the hole and the outer edge.The performance of the XM system may be affected if
the sunroof is open.
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year of production from: 2004
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manual Chevrolet Cobalt Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual
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