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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Maxima, year of production 1995 - 1999:
Nissan supports efforts towards cleaner aircause fuel system damage and/or ve-Index) number in these high altitude areas
and suggests that you use reformulated gaso-hicle performance problems. At this[over 4,000 ft (1,219 m)] such as: Colorado,
line when available. time, sufficient data is not available toMontana, NewMexico,Utah,Wyoming,north-
Gasoline containing oxygenatesensurethatallmethanolblendsaresuit-eastern Nevada, southern Idaho, western
able for use in Nissan vehicles.South Dakota, western Nebraska, and that
Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containingIf any undesirable driveability problems suchpart of Texas which is directly south of New
oxygenates such as ethanol, MTBE andas engine stalling and hard hot starting areMexico.
methanolwithorwithoutadvertisingtheirpres-experienced after using oxygenate-blend fu-Using unleaded gasoline with an octane
ence. els, immediately change to a non-oxygenaterating lower than stated above can cause
If you use oxygenate-blend gasoline, pleasefuel or a fuel with a low blend of MTBE.persistent, heavy “spark knock”. (“Spark
take the following precautions as the usage ofTake care not to spill gasoline during refu-knock” is a metallic rapping noise.) If se-
such fuels may cause vehicle performanceeling. Gasoline containing oxygenates canvere, this can lead to engine damage. If you
problems and/or fuel system damage.cause paint damage.detectapersistentheavysparkknockeven
I The fuel should be unleaded and haveAftermarket fuel additiveswhen using gasoline of the stated octane
an octane rating no lower than that rec- rating, or if you hear steady spark knock
ommendedfor unleaded gasoline.Nissan does not recommend the use of anywhile holding a steady speed on level
I If an oxygenate-blend, excepting afuel additives (i.e. fuel injector cleaner, octaneroads, have your dealer correct the condi-
methanol blend, is used, it should con-booster, intake valve deposit removers, etc.)tion. Failure to correct the condition is
tain no more than 10% oxygenate.which are sold commercially. Many of thesemisuse of the vehicle, for which NISSAN is
(MTBE may, however, be added up toadditives intended for gum, varnish or depositnot responsible.
15%.) removal may contain active solvent or similarIncorrect ignition timing will result in knocking,
ingredients that can be harmful to the fuelafter-run or overheating. This in turn may
I If a methanol blend is used, it shouldsystem and engine.cause excessive fuel consumption or damage
contain no more than 5% methanol (me-Octane rating tipsto the engine. If any of the above symptoms
thyl alcohol, wood alcohol). It should areencountered,haveyourvehiclecheckedat
alsocontainasuitableamountofappro-In mostpartsofNorthAmerica,youshouldusea NISSAN dealer or other competent service
priate cosolvents and corrosion inhibi-unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of atfacility.
tors. If not properly formulated with ap-least 87 or 91 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) number.
propriatecosolvents and corrosionHowever,youmayuseunleadedgasolinewithHowever, now and then you may notice
inhibitors, such methanol blends mayan octane rating as low as 85 AKI (Anti-Knocklight spark knock for a short time while
Z01.2.1/A32-D X
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