owners manual Hyundai Sonata
owners manual Hyundai Sonata - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Hyundai Sonata EF IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Sonata, year of production 1998 - 2004:
G130A01A-AAT G130B02A-AAT
WARNING: To Check the Clutch Fluid Recommended brake fluid conforming to DOT
Handle brake fluid carefully. It can damage 3 or DOT 4 specification should be used. The
your vision if it gets into your eyes. Use only reservoir cap must be fully tightened to avoid
DOT 3 or DOT 4 specification fluid from a contamination from foreign matter or moisture.
sealed container. Do not allow the fluid can
or reservoir to remain open any longer than NOTE:
required. This will prevent entry of dirt and Do not allow any other liquids to contami-
moisture which can damage the brake sys- nate the brake fluid. Seal damage will result.
tem and cause improper operation.
To add brake fluid, first wipe away any dirt then ! WARNING:
unscrew the fluid reservoir cap. Slowly pour the Use caution when handling brake fluid. It
recommended fluid into the reservoir. Do not can damage your vision if you get it in your
overfill. Carefully replace the cap on the reser- G130A01Y eyes. It will also damage your vehicle's
voir and tighten. paint if spilled on it and not removed imme-
The clutch fluid level in the master cylinder
should be checked when performing other un-
der hood services. The system should be
checked for leakage at the same time. Check
to make certain that the clutch fluid level is
always between the "MAX" and "MIN" levelAIR CONDITIONING CARE
markings on the fluid reservoir. Fill as required.Keeping the Condenser Clean
Fluid loss indicates a leak in the clutch system
which should be inspected and repaired imme- The air conditioning condenser (and engine
diately. Consult your Hyundai dealer. radiator) should be checked periodically for
accumulation of dirt, dead insects, leaves, etc.
These can interfere with maximum cooling ef-
ficiency. When removing such accumulations,
brush or hose them away carefully to avoid
bending the cooling fans.
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year of production from: 1998
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Hyundai Sonata EF IV 4 owners manual
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