owners manual Hyundai Getz
owners manual Hyundai Getz - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Hyundai Getz omistajan kasikirja FI
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Getz, year of production 2002 - 2011:
E020B01A-AAT E020E01A-AAT
o When cleaning lower door panels,
Keep Your Car Clean rocker panels and frame members, Don't Neglect the Interior
be sure that drain holes are kept
The best way to prevent corrosion is to open so that moisture can escape Moisture can collect under the floor
keep your car clean and free of corro- mats and carpeting to cause corro-
and not be trapped inside to ac-
sive materials. Attention to the under- celerate corrosion. sion. Check under the mats periodi-
side of the car is particularly important. cally to be sure the carpeting is dry.
Use particular care if you carry fertiliz-
o If you live in a high-corrosion area — E020C01A-AAT ers, cleaning materials or chemicals in
where road salts are used, near the Keep Your Garage Dry the car.
ocean, areas with industrial pollu- These should be carried only in proper
Don't park your car in a damp, poorly
tion, acid rain, etc.—, you should containers and any spills or leaks
ventilated garage. This creates a fa-
take extra care to prevent corro- should be cleaned up, flushed with
vorable environment for corrosion. This
sion. In winter, hose off the under- clear water and thoroughly dried.
is particularly true if you wash your car
side of your car at least once a
in the garage or drive it into the garage
month and be sure to clean the
when it is still wet or covered with
underside thoroughly when winter WASHING AND WAXING
is over. snow, ice or mud. Even a heated ga-
rage can contribute to corrosion un-
o When cleaning underneath the car, Washing Your Hyundai
give particular attention to the com- less it is well ventilated so moisture isNever wash your car when the surface
ponents under the fenders and other dispersed. is hot from being in the sun. Always
areas that are hidden from view. Do wash your car in the shade.
a thorough job; just dampening the E020D01A-AAT
accumulated mud rather than wash- Keep Paint and Trim in Good
ing it away will accelerate corrosion Condition Wash your car frequently. Dirt is abra-
rather than prevent it. Water under sive and can scratch the paint if it is not
Scratches or chips in the finish should removed. Air pollution or acid rain may
high pressure and steam are par- damage the paint and trim through
ticularly effective in removing accu- be covered with "touch-up" paint as
mulated mud and corrosive materi- soon as possible to reduce the possi- chemical action if pollutants are al-
als. bility of corrosion. If bare metal is show-lowed to remain in contact with the
ing through, the attention of a qualifiedsurface. If you live near the ocean or in
body and paint shop is recommended. an area where road salts or dust con-
TBENG_4.P65 3 6/14/2005, 3:29 PM
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year of production from: 2002
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Hyundai Getz omistajan kasikirja
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