owners manual Peugeot 508
owners manual Peugeot 508 - year of production: 2010 - Peugeot 508 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 508, year of production 2010:
T yre under-infl ation detection
S ystem which automatically checks the pressures of the tyres while driving. T his system does not avoid the need
The system continuously monitors the pressures of the four tyres, as soon as the vehicle is moving. to check the tyre pressures regularly
(including the spare wheel) and before
U nder-inflation alert a long journey.
T he alert is given by the fixed illumination Driving with under-inflated tyres
of this warning lamp, accompanied by adversely affects road holding,
an audible signal, and depending on extends braking distances and causes
equipment, the display of a message. premature tyre wear, particularly under
arduous conditions (vehicle loaded,
I n the event of a problem on one of the tyres, high speed, long journey).
the symbol or the message appears, according
to equipment, to identify it.
A pressure sensor is located in the valve of a Reduce speed, avoid sudden steering
each tyres (except the spare wheel). movements or harsh brake applications. D riving with under-inflated tyres
The system triggers an alert if a drop in Stop as soon as it is safe to do so. increases fuel consumption.
pressure is detected in one or more tyres. In the event of a puncture, use the
temporary puncture repair kit or the spare
wheel (according to equipment), T he tyre pressures for your vehicle can 7
or be found on the tyre pressure label (see
if you have a compressor, the one in the the "Identification markings" section).
T he tyre under-inflation detection temporary puncture repair kit for example, The tyre pressures must be checked
system is an aid to driving which does check the four tyre pressures when cold, when the tyres cold (vehicle stopped
not replace the need for the driver to be or for 1 hour or after driving for less then
vigilant or to drive responsibly. if it is not possible to check the tyre 6 miles (10 km) at moderate speed).
pressures at the time, drive carefully at Otherwise, add 0.3 bar to the values
reduced speed. indicated on the label.

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year of production from: 2010

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