owners manual Fiat Punto
owners manual Fiat Punto - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Fiat Punto II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Punto, year of production 1999 - 2011:
Tyres Climate control
ANDCheck the pressure of the tyres routinely at anThe air conditioner is an additional load which greatly
DASHBOARDCONTROLSinterval of no more than 4 weeks: if the pressure isaffects the engine leading to higher consumption (on
too low, consumption levels increase as resistance toaverage up to +20%). When the temperature outside
rolling is higher. the vehicle permits it, use the air vents where possible.
SAFETYDEVICESUnnecessary loads Spoilers
Do not travel with too much luggage stowed in theThe use of non-certified aerodynamic items may
boot. The weight of the car (especially when driving inadversely affect air drag and consumption levels.
town) and its trim greatly affects consumption and
Roof rack/ski rack Starting
ARNINGRemove the roof rack or the ski rack from the roof asDo not warm the engine with the car at a standstill or
WLIGHTS ANDMESSAGESsoon as they are no longer used. These accessoriesat idle or high speed: under these conditions the
lower air penetration and adversely affectengine warms up much more slowly, increasing
consumption levels. When needing to carryelectrical consumption and emissions.
IN ANparticularly voluminous objects, preferably use aIt is therefore advisable to move off immediately,
EMERGENCYtrailer. slowly, avoiding high speeds. This way the engine will
Electric devices warm faster.
CARUse electric devices only for the amount of timeUnnecessary actions
MAINTENANCEneeded. Rear heated window, additional headlights,
windscreen wipers and heater fan need a considerableAvoid accelerating when waiting at traffic lights or
TIONSamount of energy, therefore increasing thebefore switching off the engine. This and also double
requirement of current increases fuel consumption (updeclutching is absolutely pointless on modern cars and
TECHNICALSPECIFICAto +25% in the urban cycle).also increase consumption and pollution.

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year of production from: 1999

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