owners manual Fiat Tipo
owners manual Fiat Tipo - year of production: 2015 - Fiat Tipo combi owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
159) When performing any operation on61) Incorrect installation of electric andBATTERY
the battery or near it, always protect yourelectronic devices may cause severeRECHARGING
CAREeyes with special goggles. damagetoyourcar. After purchasing yourIMPORTANTNOTES
vehicle, if you wish to install any
accessories (e.g. anti-theft, radio phone,IMPORTANTThebatteryrecharging
IMPORTANT etc.), go to a Fiat Dealership, which willprocedure is given as information only.
AND suggest the most suitable devices andTo carry out this operation contact a
advise you whether a higher capacity
55) Be careful not to confuse the variousbattery needs to be installed.Fiat Dealership.
types of fluids while topping up: they are IMPORTANTAfter setting the ignition
not compatible with each other! Topping up device to STOP and having closed the
VICINGwith an unsuitable fluid could severelyIMPORTANT driver side door, wait at least one
damageyourvehicle. minute before disconnecting the
56) The oil level must never exceed the
SER MAX.mark. 3) The used engine oil and the filter that haselectrical supply from the battery. When
57) Always top up using engine oil of thebeen replaced contain substances that arereconnecting the electrical supply to the
samespecifications as that already in theharmful to the environment. To change thebattery, make sure that the ignition
engine. oil and filters, we advise you to contact a
58) PARAFLU UP anti-freeze is used in theFiat Dealership.device is in the STOP position and the
engine cooling system. Use fluid of the4) Batteries contain substances which aredriver side door is closed.
sametypeasthat contained in the coolingvery dangerous for the environment. ForIMPORTANTChargingshouldbeslow
system for any top-ups. PARAFLU UPbattery replacement, contact a Fiat
cannot be mixed with any other type ofDealership. at a low ampere rating for
fluid. If this happens, do not start the approximately 24 hours. Charging for a
engine under any circumstances and longer time may damage the battery.
contact a Fiat Dealership. IMPORTANTThecablesofthe
59) Prevent brake fluid, which is highly electrical system must be correctly
corrosive, from coming into contact with
painted parts. Should it happen, reconnected to the battery, i.e. the
immediately wash with water. positive cable (+) to the positive
60) If the vehicle must remain unused for a terminal and the negative cable (–) to
long time at a very low temperature, the negative terminal. The battery
remove the battery and take it to a warm terminals are marked with the positive
place, to avoid freezing.
(+) and negative (–) symbols, and are
shownonthebattery cover. The battery
terminals must also be corrosion-free
and firmly secured to the terminals. If a
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year of production from: 2015
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Fiat Tipo combi owners manual
pages 157 - 163
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