owners manual Nissan X-Trail
owners manual Nissan X-Trail - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan X Trail T30 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan X-Trail, year of production 2001 - 2009:
unbelted or improperly belted person isDRINKING ALCOHOL/DRUGS ANDyour ability to operate your vehicle is impaired by
significantly more likely to be injured orDRIVING alcohol, drugs, or some other physical condition.
killed than a person properly wearing a DRIVING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
seat belt. WARNING
ON-PAVEMENT AND OFFROAD Please observe the following precautions:
DRIVING PRECAUTIONS Never drive under the influence of alco-
Utility vehicles have a significantly higherholordrugs.AlcoholinthebloodstreamWARNING
rollover rate than other types of vehicles.reduces coordination, delays reaction
Utility vehicle have a higher ground clearancetimeandimpairsjudgment.Drivingafter Drive carefully when off the road and
than passenger vehicles to make them capabledrinking alcohol increases the likeli-avoid dangerous areas. Every person
of performing in a variety of on-pavement andhood of being involved in an accidentwho drives or rides in this vehicle
offroad applications. Higher ground clearanceinjuring yourself and others. Addition-should be seated with their seat belt
gives the utility vehicle a higher center of gravityally, if you are injured in the accident,fastened. This will keep you and your
than passenger vehicles. An advantage of higheralcohol can increase the severity of thepassengers in position when driving
ground clearance is a better view of the road,injury. over rough terrain.
allowing you to anticipate problems. However, Before driving up or down grades,
utility vehicles are not designed for cornering at check the road surface for bumps or
the same speeds as passenger two-wheel driveNISSAN is committed to safe driving. You must
vehicles any more than low-slung sports cars arenot drive under the influence of alcohol. Everypotholes. Be sure to climb a gentle
designed to perform satisfactorily under offroadyear thousands of people are injured or killed inslope and descend a gentle slope.
conditions. If at all possible, avoid sharp turns oralcohol related accidents. Although the local Do not drive across steep slopes.
abrupt maneuvers, particularly at high speeds.laws vary on what is considered to be legallyInstead drive either straight up or
As with other vehicles of this type, failure tointoxicated, the fact is that alcohol affects allstraight down the slopes. Off-road
operate this vehicle correctly may result in losspeople differently and most people underesti-
of control or vehicle rollover.mate the effects of alcohol. vehicles can tip over sideways much
Be sure to read the driving safety precautions more easily than they can forward or
later in this section. Remember, drinking and driving don’t mix!backward.
And that’s true for drugs too (over the counter,
prescription, and illegal drugs). Don’t drive if
5-4 Starting and driving
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year of production from: 2001
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Nissan X Trail T30 I 1 owners manual
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