owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation (introduction)
When positioning is complete, route guid-Hard disk errors Input restrictions
ance is once again possible using naviga-COMAND has an integrated hard disk on
tion announcements and route guidance which the map software is saved.The input restrictions are imposed starting
displays. at a particular vehicle speed. The restric-
If an area of the hard disk has an error, tions are canceled as soon as the speed
Interrupting the journey during route COMAND can no longer access the map drops below a certain value.
guidance data in this area, for example, when calcu-When the restriction is active, certain oper-
The following applies if you interrupt the lating a route. ations or entries are not possible.
journey during route guidance and contin-The message “Navigation Unavailable. You will notice this by the fact that some
ue the journey later: Please refer to the operating instructions.” menu items cannot be selected or certain
COMAND resumes route guidance au-appears. operations will not be possible.
tomatically if you continue the journey Deleting message: Switch COMAND
within 2 hours. off and back on.
Route guidance is canceled if you con-iIf you switch the navigation system off/on,
tinue the journey after more than it will be operational again until it has to access
2hours. It will be necessary to resume the faulty area of the hard disk again. The mes-
the canceled route guidance manually sage will then appear again. Consult an autho-
( page 203). rized Mercedes-Benz Center.
iThe journey is interrupted if you park the ve-Units of measurement
hicle and switch off COMAND. The units of measurement in navigation
The journey is continued when you switch mode are identical to those set in the in-
COMAND back on and start driving on.
strument cluster.

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year of production from: 2006

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