owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMANDnavigation (introduction)
General notes iPlease note that the update must be allowed Route guidance after vehicle transpor-
to run to the end in this case. If you interrupt it, tation
Operational readiness of the navigation the navigation system will continue to be non-op-COMAND has to redetermine the position
system following a system software erational. of the vehicle if the vehicle has been trans-
update by an authorized Initial use or use following a system ported (e.g. by ferry, by train or after tow-
Mercedes-Benz Center software update ing).
After a system software update by an au-In both these cases, the navigation system Positioning takes place automatically even
thorized Mercedes-Benz Center, the in-must determine the position of the vehicle. when COMAND is switched off. The dura-
stalled map software may no longer be You may have to drive for a while before tion varies from one case to another.
compatible. If this is the case, the naviga-precise route guidance is possible.Route guidance may be restricted as fol-
tion system will not be operational. lows during vehicle positioning:
You will know if this is the case, when the GPS reception Navigation announcements, route
following message will appear when you Correct functioning of the navigation sys-guidance displays and displayed street
switch to navigation mode: “The system tem depends on GPS reception, among names are not consistent with the ac-
software has been updated. The map soft-other things. In certain situations, GPS re-tual location of the vehicle.
ware must be updated now. Please insert ception may be impaired, there may be in-
the DVD with the map software.”terference or no reception at all, e.g. in COMAND does not generate navigation
Updating map software: Proceed as tunnels, in multistory parking garages or announcements.
described in the “Updating the map there is snow covering the trunk lid where Instead of the route guidance displays,
software” section ( page 149). Use the GPS antenna is located. If there is you see the “ Off Road” display and a di-
map software which is compatible with snow on the trunk lid it should be removed.rection arrow. The direction arrow
the system software. shows the compass heading to the des-

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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