owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 2002 - 2011:
Starting and driving151
If the diagnosis function detects a fault in the Important considerations with • Have the car serviced regularly in accor-
engine management system, the light catalytic convertersdance with the service program.
"Engine malfunction (CHECK ENGINE)" in The catalytic converter is an emission con-• Always be alert to any misfiring of the
the instrument panel will come on (see trol device incorporated in the car’s exhaust engine (not running on all cylinders) and
page79). Have the car checked at a Saab system. It consists of a metal canister with a any loss of power or performance. At the
dealer as soon as possible.honeycomb insert, the cells of which have first sign of a malfunction, reduce speed
walls coated in a catalytic layer (precious and take the car to a Saab dealer.
NOTICE metal alloy). • If the engine fails to start (in severe cold
or if the battery is flat), the car can be
If "Engine malfunction (CHECK NOTICE bump started (manual transmission only)
or started using jump leads to a donor
ENGINE)" warning light starts to flash Use only unleaded gasoline. Leaded battery. However, as soon as you have
(indicating that the engine is misfiring and gasoline is detrimental to the catalyst and started the engine, it is important that it
the catalytic converter can be damaged), oxygen sensor and will seriously impair runs on all cylinders. If it is misfiring, allow
ease off the accelerator slightly. The light the function of the catalytic converter.it to idle for up to 5 minutes to give it time
should go out or start to shine constantly. to settle and run smoothly. If, after this
If the light continues to flash despite To ensure that the catalytic converter con-time, the engine still fails to run properly,
easing off the accelerator, you may tinues to function properly, and also to avoid switch off the engine to avoid serious
continue to drive the car but at the mini-damage to the converter and its associated damage to the catalytic converter.
mum throttle permitted by the current traf-components, the following points must be Contact a Saab dealer for advice.
fic situation. Have the car checked as observed:
soon as possible at a Saab dealer.

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year of production from: 2002

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Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual
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