owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 2002 - 2011:
150 Starting and driving
Important 2 Stopping the engine NOTICE
considerations for • Do not rev the engine immediately
before switching it off - stop the engine • If the engine sounds strange there is a
driving when it is idling. malfunction. Contact a Saab dealer
1 Starting and driving 3 Regulating the boost pressureimmediately.
• Do not use full throttle until the engine • One of the advantages of boost pres-• The use of fuel with too low an octane
is warm, so as to avoid unnecessary sure regulation is that the engine can rating can cause serious engine
wear. If the needle of the turbo gauge also be run safely on gasoline with a damage.
repeatedly enters the red zone, the lower octane rating, although not lower
engine may suddenly lose power, due than AON 87. However, engine perfor-Limp-home
to the initiation of a monitoring system mance will fall slightly and heavy load-The engine management system has a
that limits the boost pressure. Contact ing and laboring should be avoided. For diagnostic feature that checks a number of
a Saab dealer as soon as possible.optimum performance, use the recom-internal functions. If a fault is detected in the
• Under certain barometric conditions mended grade of fuel.throttle valve, the engine management
(high outside temperature and/or high • The maximum boost pressure is regu-system will set the throttle system to the
altitude) the needle may enter the first lated according to the tendency of the limp-home mode. This means:
part of the red zone without necessarily engine to knock. Short-lived knocking • idling control will be poor (uneven idling
indicating that a fault has arisen.is perfectly normal. This can occur since regulated by ignition and fuel
• A protective function (interruption of the when the engine is running at about supply)
fuel supply) limits the engine speed.3,000 rpm under a heavy load. The • engine performance will be reduced
extent of this knocking will depend on • the cruise control will not function
the grade of fuel in the tank.
• Isolated instances of knocking can • the capacity of the A/C compressor will be
occur with low-octane fuel. This limited.
controlled form of knocking, followed
by a reduction in the boost pressure, is
a sign that the control system is work-
ing normally, and is perfectly safe for
the engine.

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year of production from: 2002

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Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual
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