owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Instruments and controls
Contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith MITSUBISHI ThО аipОrs аill opОratО oncО iП thО lОvОr is movОН
izОН SОrvicО Point аhОn rОplacing thО аinН- Multi-Communication SвstОm (MMCS), to thО “AUTO” position anН thО knob (C) is turnОН
scrООn or rОinПorcing thО glass arounН thО sОn-scrООn opОrations can bО usОН to makО thО aН-in thО “+” НirОction аhОn thО ignition sаitch is in
sor. justmОnt. RОПОr to thО sОparatО oаnОr’s man-thО “ON” position or thО opОration moНО is in ON.
ual Пor НОtails.
To adjust the sensitivity of the rain sensor.
With thО lОvОr in thО “AUTO” (rain sОnsor) posi-Misting function
tion, it is possiblО to aНjust thО sОnsitivitв oП thОMovО thО lОvОr in thО НirОction oП thО arroа anН rО-
rain sОnsor bв turning thО knob (B). lОasО, to opОratО thО аipОrs oncО.
UsО this Пunction аhОn вou arО Нriving in mist or
ThО аipОrs аill opОratО oncО iП thО lОvОr is raisОН
to thО “MIST” position anН rОlОasОН аhОn thО igni-
tion sаitch or thО opОration moНО is in ON or
ACC. ThО аipОrs аill continuО to opОratО аhilО
thО lОvОr is hОlН in thО “MIST” position.
Windscreen washer*
ThО аinНscrООn аashОr can bО opОratОН аith thО ig-
nition sаitch or thО opОration moНО in ON or ACC.
“+”- HighОr sОnsitivitв to rain
ThО аashОr ПluiН аill bО spraвОН onto thО аinН-
“-”- LoаОr sОnsitivitв to rain
scrООn bв pulling thО lОvОr toаarНs вou.
WhОn thО аipОrs arО not in opОration or in intОrmit-
NOTE tОnt opОration, bв pulling thО lОvОr toаarНs вou,
thО аipОrs аill opОratО sОvОral timОs аhilО thО аash-
It is possiblО to activatО thО Пolloаing Пunc-
Оr ПluiН is bОing spraвОН.
EбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs Пor Russia, Kazakhstan anН Uk-
• Automatic opОration (rain НroplОt sОnsi-
rainО, thОn about 6 sОconНs latОr, аipОrs opОratО
tivО) can bО changОН to intОrmittОnt opОr-
oncО morО.
ation (vОhiclО-spООН sОnsitivО).
On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith a hОaНlamp аashОr,
• Automatic opОration (rain НroplОt sОnsi-
аhilО thО hОaНlamps arО on, thО hОaНlamp аashОr
tivО) can bО changОН to intОrmittОnt opОr-
аill opОratО oncО togОthОr аith thО аinНscrООn аash-
ation (ОбcОpt vОhiclО-spООН sОnsitivО).
For ПurthОr inПormation, аО rОcommОnН вou
to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author-
izОН SОrvicО Point.
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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