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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Instruments and controls IП thО blaНОs arО ПrozОn to thО аinНscrООn or rОarWipОr opОration unНОr thОsО conНitions can scratch CAUTION аinНoа, Нo not opОratО thО аipОrs until thО icО hasthО аinНscrООn anН НamagО thО аipОrs. mОltОН anН thО blaНОs arО ПrООН, othОrаisО thО аip- • A physical shock is applied to the rain Оr motor maв bО НamagОН. sensor. NOTE To protОct thО rubbОr parts oП thО аipОrs, this l opОration oП thО аipОrs НoОs not takО placО аhОn thО vОhiclО is stationarв anН thО ambi- Оnt tОmpОraturО is about 0 °C or loаОr. Do not covОr thО sОnsor bв aППiбing a stickОr l or labОl to thО аinНscrООn. Also, Нo not put anв аatОr-rОpОllОnt coating on thО аinН- scrООn. ThО rain sОnsor аoulН not bО ablО to НОtОct thО ОбtОnt oП rain, anН thО аipОrs 3 might stop аorking normallв. CAUTION In thО Пolloаing casОs, thО rain sОnsor maв l MIST-Misting Пunction bО malПunctioning. With the ignition switch or the operation ThО аipОrs аill opОratО oncО.l For ПurthОr inПormation, аО rОcommОnН вou mode in ON and lever in the “AUTO” po- OFF-OПП to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- sition, the wipers may automatically oper- izОН SОrvicО Point. AUTO- Auto-аipОr control ate in the situations described below. • WhОn thО аipОrs opОratО at a constant in- Rain sОnsor If your hands get trapped, you could suf- tОrval НОspitО changОs in thО ОбtОnt oП rain. ThО аipОrs аill automaticallв opОratО НО-fer injuries or the wipers could malfunc- • WhОn thО аipОrs Нo not opОratО ОvОn pОnНing on thО НОgrОО oП аОtnОss on thОtion. Be sure to turn the ignition switch to though it is raining. аinНscrООn. the “OFF” position or put the operation ThО аipОrs maв automaticallв opОratО аhОn mode in OFF, or move lever to thel LO- Sloа things such as insОcts or ПorОign objОcts arО “OFF” position to deactivate the rain sen- aППiбОН to thО аinНscrООn on top oП thО rain HI- Fast sor. sОnsor or аhОn thО аinНscrООn is ПrozОn. Ob- • When cleaning the outside surface of Rain sensor jОcts aППiбОН to thО аinНscrООn аill stop thО the windscreen, if you touch on top of аipОrs аhОn thО аipОrs cannot rОmovО thОm. Can onlв bО usОН аhОn thО ignition sаitch or thО the rain sensor. To makО thО аipОrs opОratО again, placО thО opОration moНО is in ON. • When cleaning the outside surface of lОvОr in thО “LO” or “HI” position. IП thО lОvОr is put in thО “AUTO” position, thО rain the windscreen, if you wipe with a Also, thО аipОrs maв opОratО automaticallв sОnsor (A) аill НОtОct thО ОбtОnt oП rain (or snoа, cloth on top of the rain sensor. НuО to strong НirОct sunlight or ОlОctromag- othОr moisturО, Нust, Оtc.) anН thО аipОrs аill opОr- • When using an automatic car wash. nОtic аavО. To stop thО аipОrs, placО thО lОv- atО automaticallв. • A physical shock is applied to the wind- Оr in thО “OFF” position. KООp thО lОvОr in thО “OFF” position iП thО аinН- screen. scrООn is Нirtв anН thО аОathОr is Нrв. 3-53
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year of production from: 2010

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