owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
142 Operating the climate control systems
DYNAMICSELECTswitch Activating or deactivating
gramswith the DYNAMIC SELECT switch tion lock (Y page 153).
(Y page 161). XToswitchon:pressthetor!
If you have selected drive program E:rocker switch up or down.
RthecoolingoutputisreducedwhencoolingThe Audio 20 or COMAND climate control
Rwhenheating,theelectricalheaterboosterXSwitchontheclimatecontrol via the air-
is deactivated and heat output is reducedconditioningfunctionbar,seetheseparate
as a result operating instructions.
Rtherearwindowdefroster running time isor
If you haveselecteddriveprogramC,SorS+,XSettheairflowtolevel1orhigherusingthe
the current climate settings are maintained.Hrockerswitch.
ECOstart/stopfunction rocker switch up or down.
During automatic engine switch-off, the cli-The Audio 20 or COMAND climate control
controlmatecontrol system only operates at amenuopens.
e reduced capacity. If you require the full cli-XSwitchoff the climate control via the air-
t matecontrol output, you can switch off theconditioningfunctionbar,seetheseparate
ECOstart/stopfunctionbypressingtheECOoperating instructions.
Climabutton (Y page 159). or
XSettheairflow to level 0 using the H
rocker switch.
Operating the climate control sys-
Activating/deactivating climate con-Switching cooling with air dehumidi-
trol fication on/off
General notes General notes
Whentheclimatecontrol is switched off, theIf you deactivate the "Cooling with air-dehu-
air supply and air circulation are alsomidification" function, the air inside the vehi-
switched off. The windows could fog up.cle will not be cooled. The air inside the vehi-
Therefore, switch off climate control onlycle will also not be dehumidified. The win-
briefly dowscanfogupmorequickly.Therefore,
Switch on climate control primarily using thedeactivate the cooling with air-dehumidifica-
Ãrockerswitch(Ypage144). tion function only briefly.
The "Cooling with air dehumidification" func-
tion is only available when the engine is run-
ning. The air inside the vehicle is cooled and
dehumidified according to the temperature
the vehicle when it is in cooling mode. This is

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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